Picabi - 3 Reviews

Picabi Sparkling & Functional Coconut Water

Picabi Sparkling & Functional Coconut Water
Mr. Coconut, why are you smiling like that? Are you hiding something from me? Really? You're not going to talk? You're just going to stare at me with that creepy smile? Great...

Before we crack you open Mr. "Creepy Smile" Coconut, I'm going to read what's on the back of you. Apparently inside you is "Sparking & Functional Coconut Water". The functional part is a little intriguing. It says you are functional in three ways: Replenish, Repair, and Revitalize. I'll take your word on those, I'm more interested in how you taste.

I can't believe you still have that creepy smile on your face. You know I'm about to open you up and drink what's inside you right? Fine. Be that way. I've never tasted sparkling coconut water before; this is a first for me. I must say that I really like it. It's light and refreshing and has a green tea aftertaste. Despite your creepy smile Mr. Coconut, you are one hell of a drink!
Coconut and Sparkling
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Derek Neuland on 7/11/11, 12:20 AM
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Picabi 100% Sparkling Apple Juice

Picabi 100% Sparkling Apple Juice
Alright, wise guys. Who did this? I went to the store. I bought one green apple. I got a flat tire thirteen feet from leaving the store so I had to walk home like thirty minutes. I went to take a shower and I got back and this happened. Who did this? Oh, what? What am I talking about? Well I'll tell you. Who cored out my apple, poured carbonated water in it, and then capped it with the original top of the apple. Look, albeit very clever and quite well done, I really wanted this apple. I rode my bike all the way to the store for one apple. Hindsight is telling me that I'm crazy.

Since I went and did all of this, I need to eat it. You understand don't you? Hard work has to come to fruition and now I have to pay the price because you're a jerk. Well this is something now, isn't it. The carbonation seemed to seem into all of the pored of the apple and has somehow managed to carbonate the entire apple. It's got the inherent tart, sweetness of a green apple with the nice sparkle of a sparkling drink.

Who did this? Was it you, Carl? Who's lighting off those bottle rockets? It's freaking my dog out. Stop it. What's happening today? I'm going to eat this whole apple myself because it tastes exactly like those Picabi sparkling apple drink. I love those because they taste like this and I love this because it tastes like that. I don't love you because you ruined my precious apple for the better and who ever is lighting off those bottle rockets, my dog hates you.
Juice and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/27/11, 2:32 PM
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Picabi 100% Sparkling Grape Juice

Picabi 100% Sparkling Grape Juice
Did you read in the paper today about how science has created a human/fruit hybrid? They are adorable and completely creepy at the same time. The article said that they have begun making demands and it looks like they are organizing for a revolt. The "fruitmans" are going to over take the world! It is up to us to put a stop to their movement. We shall call our counter movement Picabi and to raise funds for our struggle we will can the blood of our enemies (which just happens to be delicious juice) and sell it to the populace. As a warning to the fruitmans we will put pictures of their deceased on the cans.

I for one can vouch that the grape fruitman, or fruitlady, has a very sweet taste. It's almost candy like, but it still tastes natural. It's way sweeter than I expected even though there is no sugar added. If you like grape juice and want to help exterminate the fruitmans buy a can today!
Juice and Sparkling
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 5/28/11, 2:08 PM
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