Plan Tea - 5 Reviews

Plan Tea Organic White Tea

Plan Tea Organic White Tea
Plan Tea is good at exactly what their name claims. I'm sure the planning didn't take very long. It was probably something along these lines; “What type of tea should we use, black? Wait, no let's use Darjeeling white tea, it will make it stand out from the crowd more. What about sweetener, do we want to go all out, or make it diet? Oh good idea let's make it semi sweet by adding just a drop of wildflower honey. It looks like our planning is complete.” Quick, simple and exactly what the world needed.

This is a great example of how good white tea can be and how more companies should embrace it. This also shows the world that excessive sweetener in tea (cane, hfcs, or zero calorie) is unnecessary. Just a bit of honey gives this just a nudge into the sweetened world and I don't know why anyone would need anything more. You can taste the flavor of the honey, but it doesn't overpower the tea.

Good planning folks. You have done exactly what you should have and the world is better for it.
Iced Tea
Plan TeaWebsite@PlanTea
United States
Organic Wildflower Honey
Jason Draper on 6/28/14, 3:59 PM
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Plan Tea Organic Masala Chai

Plan Tea Organic Masala Chai
When I see the word masala on a drink, I get uneasy and nervous. I've had drinks with it before and the reaction with my taste buds was not a pleasant one. While I do love Indian cuisine, drinking it is not on my list of things I enjoy doing.

Lucky for my mouth and my stomach and my well being this was nothing like the previous drinks I have tried. It is simply an iced chai tea. Chai is not in it's normal state iced, and it takes a bit getting used to, but once you do, you're in for a nice ride. It's like it spent it's entire life driving around the US and then it decided to rent a car while it was on vacation in England. It was a crazy hectic first bit, but once it got used to being on the other side of the road, it was nothing but smooth sailing on it's own terms.

It's a slightly different chai than I'm used to, but the difference isn't huge. This is a nice spiced tea that luckily tastes nothing like chana masala, which is a delicious dish, but not through a straw. Never through a straw.
Iced Tea
Plan TeaWebsite@PlanTea
United States
Wildflower Honey
Jason Draper on 2/24/14, 9:47 PM
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Plan Tea Organic Black Tea Infused With Mint

Plan Tea Organic Black Tea Infused With Mint
James had a rough day. He couldn't pinpoint what was wrong but he was in a bad mood. His boss noticed and asked him to come out behind the office. James reluctantly went back and his boss handed him boxing gloves. He put them on and his boss hit his gloves against James' and it was on. A couple right jabs and left hooks later and they were both sitting in the parking lot a little more bruised than they were five minutes prior. James thanked his boss for letting him blow off some steam and when he did, his boss handed him a bottle of tea.

James looked at it, cracked it open, and took a big chug. He was instantly calm. It was a slightly sweetened tea with a hint of mint. It was sweetened with honey and it was so lightly flavored that you could taste it. The black tea was strong and everything was well proportioned. James could finally relax with a black eye in the parking lot with his boss who had some slightly bruised ribs. James was fixed. Every couple months they would look at each other when they were having a bad day and just have at each other in the parking lot. It kept them together as friends and kept the office working smoothly. An odd work environment indeed, but it worked.
Iced Tea
Plan TeaWebsite@PlanTea
United States
Organic Wildflower Honey
Mike Literman on 11/21/13, 5:12 PM
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Plan Tea Organic Green Tea Infused With Mango

Plan Tea Organic Green Tea Infused With Mango
Okay I need a bit of clarification here from the company. Is Plan Tea supposed to be like “Plan B,” said so it sounds like you're saying “plenty” or is it supposed to mean something along the lines of “plan on emptying your wallet because the tea you are about to drink it excellent and you will want to buy all the store has to offer.”?

I can back two of those ideas. I certainly don't know what plan A is if this is the backup, but I would certainly like to find out, because this is an excellent showing of extremely slightly sweetened green tea, with a nice light mango flavor. There's just enough honey in it that it tastes vaguely sweet without losing the bitterness that is essential to the green tea flavor. It tastes like tea I brew for myself at home, and then let cool in the fridge, except it's of a higher quality leaf than what I normally purchase.

As for the “plenty” thought, I personally can be a glutton and at the end of the 16oz I could have drank more. Maybe they are saying that you will want plenty more, because this tea is so good.

The last possibility is the one I understand the most. I am kicking myself for not purchasing more of these when I came across them in NYC. Unfortunately they are not available yet in Western New York. If you do end up buying a bunch you can feel good about doing so because 5% of their net sales are donated to Trickle Up, a non profit organization that helps in the fight against global poverty.
Iced Tea
Plan TeaWebsite@PlanTea
United States
Organic Wildflower Honey
Jason Draper on 11/21/13, 10:20 AM
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Plan Tea Organic Black Tea With Vanilla & Basil

Plan Tea Organic Black Tea With Vanilla & Basil
“Let's make Plan Tea plan A.” You're welcome for your new slogan. I'm sure the higher ups at Plan Tea have already thought of it, but come on it's great. Actually it's almost as great as the tea itself, almost. If this were only Darjeeling black tea it would be an excellent tea that would get a great rating on this website. The addition of the flavoring puts it through the roof and makes it one of the best ready to drink teas I have ever tasted.

Vanilla is an odd enough choice for a flavoring for iced tea. I've had it a few other times, but it's not common by any means. Whoever suggested using basil is a goddamn saint. They must have had a direct line to some sort of god who spoke to them in a dream and hinted at the use of basil. It's simply heavenly.

Both flavors are on the light side, but that it exactly how they should be. It's also mostly unsweetened. I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but the only sweetener in it is a single drop of honey. It doesn't make it taste sweet by any means. It simply smoothes out the edges just a little bit.

I cannot exalt the greatness of this tea enough. Since the only place I have found this for purchase is over six hours away from me, I took my time and sipped it slowly. The next time I find myself in Brooklyn I'm going to have to stock up. If you or anyone you know are a fan of unsweetened iced teas I strongly urge you to give this a go.
Iced Tea
Plan TeaWebsite@PlanTea
United States
Organic Wildflower Honey
Jason Draper on 10/12/13, 6:51 PM
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