Popeye - 4 Reviews

Popeye Energy Anchorin' Apple

Popeye Energy Anchorin' Apple
Popeye is back on the scene doing what he does best, using spinach to get amped. That was the whole purpose of this character right? He was a construct of Big Spinach to encourage children to eat this leafy greenness? Everything is pretty much the same, except now he's hiding the spinach in juice based energy drinks. I'm fine with that. I would also be fine with eating it outright, as I do that all the darn time.

This is an energy beverage that is 70% juice. That's a high percentage in this game, and us here at Thirsty Dudes appreciate it. While this doesn't taste like biting into a nice juicy apple, it also does not taste like fake apple candy garbage. That flavor is the worst. Probably the worst mass-produced flavor this country has ever be subjected to.

The white grape juice in here is paired up with the apple and the result is something that is a new beast altogether. Green apples and white grapes together make light green grapples, right? That is a fruit I would be all over.

This reminds me a lot of Tango Apple from the UK. I am most definitely a fan of it. The folks at Popeye suggested that we also try it hot, so I did just that. Heated, this tastes way more like hot green apple juice. It leaves you with an energy kick that would be fitting for a nice chilly autumn day. I prefer it cold, but everyone has they preferences, so maybe you would like it hot. Who am I to know?
Energy Drink, Juice and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 1/10/14, 4:28 PM
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Popeye Sugar Free Energy 'low Me Down Lemon Mint

Popeye Sugar Free Energy 'low Me Down Lemon Mint
Popeye and the crew from Sweet Haven are back with their first foray into diet energy drinks. You see everyone thought that Wimpy had put on a bit too much weight with all his cheeseburger conniving ways. Seriously, how long does one man expect to live when all he consumes in beef patties smothered in cheese? Since his blood work came back last month he's been on a kale diet. He claims that it doesn't give him enough energy to make it through all of the whining he has to do on a daily basis, so they formulated him this lemon mint beverage. Being the health conscious team that they are, they help back on using taurine and it's friends and stuck to vitamins and caffeine. Also knowing that their friend was doomed to some burger related cancer they didn't want to speed on they also chose to sweeten the drink with erythritol/stevia.

The results of it all are a nice lemony beverage with notes of mint in it that aren't over powering. It has the stevia coolness to it, but with the lemon and the mint it's not bad at all. In fact it's fairly enjoyable, even for those of us who don't like diet drinks. Calories to flavor this can't be beat.

For those non-teetotalers out there, when my friend Steve tried this he instantly proclaimed that it would taste amazing as a mixer with vodka. This is a win-win-win for everyone right here.
Diet, Energy Drink and Lemonade
United States
Jason Draper on 11/30/13, 5:33 PM
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Popeye Energy Clobberin Clementine

Popeye Energy Clobberin Clementine
Did Popeye ever ingest anything other than spinach? I mean I know he was always smoking a pipe, which I'm sure smelled amazing, but in any of the comics, cartoons or the movie (where Shelley Duvall played the role she was born for) did they ever show the character of Popeye ever eating or drinking anything else? To be honest I haven't watched/read any of them in probably 15-20 years, but I will assume he only eats spinach. By that logic one would assume that his personal energy drink would contain some spinach. That is not the case. In fact, not only does this energy drink not have spinach, but it also has no taurine, or any of that other fake garbage that is in 99% of energy drinks. This is solely carbonated juice (white grape, apple and clementines) with some caffeine and vitamins added to it. There isn't even any added sugar. The result is my new favorite energy drink. Sure for those of you out there that drink a keg of coffee a day this will probably have no effect, but for those like myself that don't consume much caffeine, it's working just fine. This is the healthier side of energy drinks and I support it whole-heartedly. The clementines taste is very strong, so if you like a more bitter orange, get on this train. The aftertaste is more of the grape and apple juice, but when you first take a sip you get a nice punch in the tonsils with some tiny oranges.

Oh a side note, after watching some videos on Youtube I am convinced that if Shelley Duvall was younger now, she could be an indie darling. The young kids would eat these vocals up, check it out.
Energy Drink, Juice and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/9/13, 5:49 PM
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Popeye Energy Bruiser Blackberry

Popeye Energy Bruiser Blackberry
You thought that Popeye was getting his strength from spinach but there was a dirty little secret behind that. Sure, he loved the green stuff but when you weren't looking and the camera changed angles, he would slam a can of his own proprietary blend of energy drink. He was very ahead of his time. Drinking this allowed him to bend large steel beams and lift cars with ease. It was just a plot from the vegetable industry to push more spinach to kids. He made out big time; enough to start his own energy drink line.

Now Popeye knew a thing or two about healthy stuff since he did manage to learn a thing or two about his vegetables. He didn't add sugar to his energy drink and let the natural flavors of the blackberry to flavor and sweeten this drink. He even snuck in some vegetables, possibly due to contracts, to color his drink. He did manage to make a drink that tastes more like something unique rather than your cookie cutter energy drink. The blackberry taste is pretty spot on and it's even got some bitterness from the blackberry left that didn't get cut out of the mix.

With Wimpy as his terrible accountant, they are slowly taking the energy drink world by storm with the phrase, "You'll gladly pay today for a Popeye's energy drink today."
Sparkling, Juice and Energy Drink
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/1/13, 3:37 PM
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