PRE - 6 Reviews

PRE Probiotic Enhancer Pomegranate White Tea

PRE Probiotic Enhancer Pomegranate White Tea
PRE stuff is pretty good, but it's kind of all over the place. The powders are straight Stevia and are pretty good. I've drunk multiple drinks from them and I think that I prefer them to this. This is good. It smells like tea and then it tastes like lightly sweetened tea but then, all of a sudden, at the end you get the cool, Stevia taste. It's fine, but a little strange. They probably did it to keep the calories down, which they successfully did at a whopping 10 per serving (20 per bottle). It's just weird to have a nice watered almost unsweetened tea in the beginning and then WOAH sweetness. Like they were trying to please everyone at the same time.

Like I said, it's not bad, I might even drink it again if I could find it where I live, and the added prebiotics don't hurt matters even though I am (luckily) not a diabetic and don't need insulin in my daily diet.
Iced Tea and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 4/20/11, 12:42 PM
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PRE Probiotic Enhancer Pomegranate Blueberry

PRE Probiotic Enhancer Pomegranate Blueberry
I didn't mind the PRE powdered drinks at all. It's nice to not have aspartame in my powder. I mean, I could probably drink Kool-Ade all day, and that's sugar, but to know that I'm not rotting my teeth from the back to the front gave me a little sense of mind at the end of the day.

This drink was different than the other ones. It was a bit more watery, a bit less flavorful, a bit more diet tasting. The diet part is strange, though, since it's not a diet drink. It's low calorie, but it's not labeled a "diet" drink per se.

So on to the drink again. It's not bad. If you like a little bit of flavor and a lot a bit of quench and the knowledge you're doing something good for yourself with prebiotics, this is the drink for you. Honestly, this drink isn't not for anyone, but I know that some people who enjoy and prefer a crude blast of flavor might be taken back at the suitableness of this drink.

Think of this drink as the girl who is pretty cute, incredibly smart, and you know when you go to your ten year reunion, she's going to be a doctor. She deserves it because, after all, she worked her butt off in school and you knew she was destined for great things. In my school, her name was Tyra.
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/20/11, 4:01 PM
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PRE Probiotic Enhancer Acai Acerola

PRE Probiotic Enhancer Acai Acerola
It took me about 95% of this bottle to come up with an opinion. That's not really good or bad, it's just kind of like when you meet someone and talk to them all night only to get in the car and completely forget who they were or what they talked about. Happens to me every time I meet my girlfriend's friends. It's not their fault, it's probably mine, but I can't help it.

This drink was better than expected. Anything with acai in it usually starts off on the wrong foot with me. Whatever acerola is does a good job of disguising it. For that, I thank you. It's a pretty common, fruity taste. Kind of like a cherry juice. With the added benefits of having cultures and probiotics in it, this drink may have helped me get over my sickness.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Juice
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 1/8/11, 7:46 PM
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PRE Probiotic Enhancer Peach Mango

PRE Probiotic Enhancer Peach Mango
This tastes so much like a peach that it no longer tastes real. Does that even make sense? At first you think "Wow this actually tastes like fruit." Then the flavor stays around a little too long, and it starts to taste fake and chemical. Now that shouldn't happen because this is made with organic fruit juice concentrate. I don't know what is causing that to happen. I would blame the probiotics, but the other flavors I've had didn't have that taste. After another sip I put my finger on it. It tastes vaguely diet. I'm going to try to finish the rest of the bottle, but it's really not my thing at all.
Sparkling and Juice
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 1/6/11, 9:47 AM
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PRE Probiotic Enhancer Passion Orange Guava

PRE Probiotic Enhancer Passion Orange Guava
If you know me, you may know that I have stomach problems. I've had them since early high school. I have a tendency to get way stressed over things I can't control. I've learned to keep it to a minimum, but it seems my stomach issues are a permanent fixture in my life. I learned that high fructose corn syrup contributes to my problem as well. As long as I keep it to a minimum in my diet I won't be writhing in pain at night. Due to that back-story, you will understand how I was excited when we received a package of PRE in the mail. I was told that pro-biotic drinks would help with my issues, and I'm always looking for help.
I expected it to be a pretty thick drink, which it was not. Yogurt naturally has the same bacteria as they use in the drink, so I had associated the two. It ends up it has a similar consistency to a Vitamin Water. The flavor isn't that far off either, except unlike Vitamin Water this actually has real fruit in it. With passion fruit, oranges and guava in the mix, there are some pretty heavy hitters on this team. They blend together nicely to make this a winning drink.
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 12/30/10, 6:20 PM
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PRE Powder Sybiotic Drink Mix Pomegranate Yumberry

PRE Powder Sybiotic Drink Mix Pomegranate Yumberry
We don't do a lot of powdered drinks. It's hard to keep a consistent flavor between batches or mixes. We have a few teas that we just haven't done because it's near impossible to get similar mixes. With this, though, it's pretty easy. First, I will say that I have one 16-ounce container and one packet of this mix. I shook it up and called it a day. Hopefully we can all meet on the same page with that.

So on to the review. I read the instructions and was psyched to see that the number one ingredient was cane sugar but then further down the list was Stevia. It is called a "synbiotic drink" and has prebiotics in it that are cultures of bacteria that clean you up from the inside out. In addition, it has probiotics and synbiotics, which are all used to build up immunity. All of Pre's drinks are like this. Thanks for thinking of my health, guys. They've got a bunch of different flavors, too. This was my first flavor and I thought it a safe place to start.

The pomegranate and yumberry is a common mix and we have some on the site, but the cane sugar couldn't beat the uber-sweet Stevia mix. It's not undrinkable, but it is not without the cold and sweet artificial sweetener taste. It's got a pretty good fruity flavor, though. It's a good change from those other powdered drink mixed.

I think that Pre is a new company so show them some love and pick some of this up.
Diet, Juice, Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 12/22/10, 7:38 AM
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