Rage Boost - 1 Review

Rage Boost Hydrating Citrus

Rage Boost Hydrating Citrus
Dude, I'm so pumped that someone decided to throw this Rave Class Reunion. Man the 90's we're a crazy time and I really missed this. Remember when we used to have to go to random convenient stores with an egg to find out the secret location of the party? Oh that was an episode of 90210? Seemed like real life man. Well remember that time you needed to come up with money quick, or you'd be evicted from your apartment so we sold common aspirin and pretended it was E? Oh, that was the movine Go!? Okay dude you caught me; I've never been to a rave before in my life. I was too young and scared when they were still cool. I was totally into the music though. I would jam Paul Oakenfold and 808 State in my bedroom so loud my mom would yell at me. I would get hog wild.

I'm just glad this party is happening so that I get to experience it firsthand, well kind of if a couple decades too late count. Since we're going to be raging hard all night dancing until our arms are sore from flinging around glow sticks like maniacs, I brought these drinks for us. They are called Rage, get it…€¦because we're going to be raging at the party…€¦not rage mad, but like party rage. Whatever, even if you don't get it they will help keep us hydrated. It's a vitamin enhanced water with a whole mess of electrolytes in it. The bottle says it will allow us to push harder and avoid hitting the wall. That sounds like exactly what we're gonna need. They sweetened it with sucralose as well as cane sugar, so you get a little diet taste, but it's not too bad. I just wanted to warn you, as I know that junk can come as a shock if you don't know it's there. I don't want to harsh your good time.

This stuff actually tastes pretty decent. It's like a Vitamin Water that tastes more like one of the citrus varieties of Gatorade. It certainly has that slight harshness on the back of your throat like Gatorade does. It's like a mellower melted Freezee Pop. It's citrus flavored, that tastes like someone took some Tang and slightly changed it to be more…€¦I dunno…€¦other citrus instead of orange. You know what I mean man. It's nothing particularly new, but it tastes pleasant enough, and if it keeps us hydrated tonight that's all that matters. I unfortunately don't know if I'll be able to find this again. I mean it's not bad, but it's not filling any sort of gap in the beverage world. There are a whole mess of different companies putting out drinks like this, and most consumers would rather grab a brand name like the previously mentioned Vitamin Water or Gatorade, and these small guys don't' stand a chance, even if they perform better. Whoa, where did all of that come from? Must be the pills I took. Speaking of, want to buy some ecstasy? Just kidding, it's just aspirin, I get headaches from loud bass.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Rage BoostWebsite@RageWater
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/18/14, 10:24 PM
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