Route 66 - 1 Review

Route 66 Root Beer

Route 66 Root Beer
Ugh, we've been on this road forever. When can we stop? I'm super thirsty and have to pee like crazy. Seriously, how long is Route 66 and do the radio stations have some sort of monopoly over the airwaves because all they've played since we touched this dumb road is covers of "Route 66". Every channel. I thought it was funny for a while but we've been driving for nineteen hours straight and all they've played is the same song covered by different people. It's driving me insane. Oh, stop there! Stop there!

Do you want something to drink? I'll be right back.

Oh, God. You wouldn't believe it in there. It was torturous. There was just Route 66 memorabilia everywhere. Floor to ceiling. Everything from records to street signs to shirts to so many shirts. Holy crap. It was one giant gift shop with a Port-O-Potty out back. They had merch in the actual bathroom and it was unusable. It was so stupid. I did get this Route 66 root beer, which was $5.99 so it had better be worth it.

What do you think? Yeah? Let me try. Yeah, you're right. It's root beer. It's a medium root beer, not too light and not too dark. It's got some complexity to it and I think there might be some anise or licorice but I can't be sure. That would be considered "Natural and Artificial Flavorings" I assume, and I have no idea what "quillaia" is, but that's in there, too.

Seriously, the Hoover Dam had better be worth this drive because aside from the Depeche Mode cover of Route 66, I am going to grab the wheel when you aren't looking and drive into a cow or off a cliff or into a bridge.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Route 66Website
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/9/11, 5:18 PM
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