Royal Crown Cola - 3 Reviews

Royal Crown Cola Ten

Royal Crown Cola Ten
These “Ten” sodas are a game changer for those watching their calorie intake without going overboard. They are a middle ground between diet and regular soda; meaning that there is a mixture of HFCS and sucralose used to sweeten them. This tastes like someone took a can of regular RC and a can of diet RC and mixed half of each together in a separate can. There are hints of a diet flavor, but it's not as overpowering as most diet sodas. I hate sucralose sweetened diet pop, but this is something that I did not mind at all. Sure it lost a bit of the bite of the regular cola, but tradeoffs must be made for the sake of lower calories.
Diet and Soda Pop
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United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 11/10/15, 3:17 PM
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Royal Crown Cola RC Cherry

Royal Crown Cola RC Cherry
There has been a birth in the royal family. The child was created out of wedlock, so the family kept the pregnancy quiet. That was all good and well until the birth occurred and they knew there was no way the secret could be kept, for with gazing upon the can brought nothing but love to the royal family. The union of cola and cherry was complete and cherry cola was born. The family felt to shame so they proudly shared their love with the world (well at least the Midwestern states, as I haven't seen this anywhere else).

While this may not be the world's greatest cherry cola (it is a bit on the syrupy side), it is still better than most. It has a stronger cherry flavor than I had expected. It's more along he lines of cherry Pepsi than it is Coke, which makes it strange that I like it so much, as I have always been on the Coke side of the great cola wars. I would still choose this over its big cola competitors.

I doubt the day will come when the world hears, “The king is dead. Long live the king” as RC Cherry takes over the throne, but as a prince or a duke, it does a fine job.

I just found out that his flavor was introduced in the 80s. How I have never seen it until now is beyond me. I guess that is what I get for living in the northeast.
Soda Pop
Royal Crown ColaWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 4/8/13, 12:28 PM
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Royal Crown Cola RC

Royal Crown Cola RC
I belong to the 1%. No, not the 1% of high income/making all the decision. I am in the 1% of people in the world that prefer RC Cola to Coke or Pepsi. I respect the monarchy. I wouldn't go as far as to say that I bow before the king and queen of cola, but out of the three companies I would go with RC every time.

It has more of a "natural" cola taste then it's mainstream competitors. To me it's not as harsh and the cola taste sticks around instead of a general sugary taste. You know that quasi-earthy taste. I love it. It's a bummer that it's not available around Western New York any more.
Soda Pop
Royal Crown ColaWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 11/27/11, 4:31 PM
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