Serenity - 1 Review

Serenity Zen Beverage

Serenity Zen Beverage
"Serenity Now!"

If your first thought is anything else when you first see this product I can pretty much guarantee that you are not an American between the ages of 25 and 50. I haven't even seen a lot of Seinfeld and I even think of it. This was Frank Costanza's (George's dad) mantra to help him lower with blood pressure and relax him. If he could taste that mantra he would say that it tastes like cake batter that is heavy on the vanilla. Oh yeah, it's also got fake sugar for the diabetic crowd.

I thought I was going to go out to a friend's DJ night tonight, but I was reminded that I should stay in and pack, seeing as I start moving in the morning. Unfortunately I drank a Bawls G33K B33R around 10:00, and I'm pretty wired. I now have 90% of my stuff packed up and waiting in the living room. It's sweet that I'm pretty much done, but "I have too much caffeine in my blood stream" and since I didn't end up going out, "a lack of real spice in my life." Thanks Moz. Hopefully this drink will help bring me back down to a relaxed state so I can actually get some sleep tonight.

"Serenity Now! Insanity Later!"
United States
Jason Draper on 7/30/11, 2:03 AM
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