Sipp - 4 Reviews

Sipp Sparkling Cherry Fizz

Sipp Sparkling Cherry Fizz
Big Lots or as we like to call it in our family, "Big Slobs" it a treasure trove of forgotten, overlooked or just plain overstocked garbage drinks. We love it. I found this and many other drinks on my last trip there. I bought three of these which, in hindsight, might have not been a wise investment.

This is kind of a tough drink to wrap your head around. You've got a couple different things. A sweet fruit in the cherry, a sour fruit in the lime and an inherently calming, smoothing vanilla. With every sip, your taste buds are drawn and quartered. This is not a bad drink but the flavors together and hardly complimentary. It's the threesome where "the third" is just kind of in the way and messing up your groove and their friggin' elbow are just sticking into you. You thought that would be a good idea. "How about that girl at the bar?" you said. This was supposed to be fun and now it's infuriating and you're wondering if you can get them to leave and continue where you left off. There's no way. There's no way.
United States
Organic Agave Light Syrup
Mike Literman on 4/5/19, 7:17 AM
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Sipp Lemon Flower

Sipp Lemon Flower
Enough of the puns, Charlie. You buy a drink called "Sipp" and now you won't stop saying "I have to take another sip. Oh. I think I'll take another sip. Just one more sip will do." Can't you use the word "drink" or "gulp" or something?

I don't know what to do with you, Charlie. I mean, it can't be that good that you want to savor it for...thirty minutes. Come on, Charlie. We're going to be late for the party. Can I help you drink that? Thanks.

You know what? This is pretty good. It's mostly lemon but at the end you get a little bit of the licorice from the tarragon. I don't really know what elderflower tastes like but the drink in its entirety is pretty light. It's sweet, but it's not overly sweet or lemony or licoricy. It's a nice drink. I don't know how you've been mulling it so long. I'm done with my half and I enjoyed it and I gave you a little review. You are just sitting there like a turd saying the word "sip" over and over again. If you make me late for this Power Rangers costume party I'm going to be very upset. You know how long I've been waiting to put my two classes of karate to good use. I might have to do it twice tonight because I'm about to karate chop you in the neck if you don't finish that drink.

Soda Pop
United States
Organic Agave Syrup
Mike Literman on 11/12/14, 4:12 PM
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Sipp Sparkling Eco Beverage Mojo Berry

Sipp Sparkling Eco Beverage Mojo Berry
The other flavor of Sipp I had was absolutely incredible. It was one of the best beverages that I have come across in my time here at Thirsty Dudes. With this one they missed the mark a bit.

I love cherries and cherry flavored things. I am not a huge fan of black cherry beverages. I also love berries, all kinds including blackberries, which happen to be my favorite. This drink doesn't taste so much like blackberries as it does a black cherry version of a berry. I don't mean it tastes like black cherry, but whatever the difference is between a regular cherry and a black cherry is what is happening to this berry. I wonder if it's the mint interfering with the blackberry. At first I didn't think I could taste mint, but when I think about it there is a flavor that very well might be the mint. The lime? The lime is fine. It's right where it should be.

I'd like to try this without the mint. I think I would really like it then. Now it's just kind of there. It's not good or bad like uncooked celery.
Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Organic Agave Syrup
Jason Draper on 9/7/11, 5:57 PM
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Sipp Sparkling Eco Beverage Ginger Blossom

Sipp Sparkling Eco Beverage Ginger Blossom
I am convinced that in a few moments I will wake up and I will be hooked up to all sorts of crazy scientific equipment. There will be EKGs, MRIs and various other three-letter acronyms. This is my thought process because I can not believe that this drink exists. Surely my fellow scientists have me hooked up to machines so that they can peer into my dreams and see the insanity that roams around my cranial cavity.

In essence this is a ginger cream soda. How awesome is that? To sweeten the pot a tad bit of lime was introduced into the mix. It has the flavor of a ginger beverage that would ravage your throat, but one of the other flavors is keeping the burn in check and it goes down as smooth as can be. I have never had a drink with such a pure ginger taste that didn't burn. The vanilla is absolutely prefect. It's not too creamy or overbearing. It blends right in with the ginger. I'm not sure what the lime is doing. It's in there, that is for sure, but it's just a hint and that's all there needs to be. To put a cherry on the proverbial top it is sweetened with agave.

My neuro patterns must be going insane right now. This is hands down one of the best beverages I have ever tasted. Mike if I wake up and you're in a lab coat standing over me with Manny on the table next to you, I will be forced to punch you directly in the throat for bringing this non-existent beverage into my consciousness. If not and this is real, then I need to order this by the case.
Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Organic Agave Syrup
Jason Draper on 6/22/11, 6:49 PM
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