So Duh! - 2 Reviews

So Duh! Liquid Fire

So Duh! Liquid Fire
This drink...was...hilarious. Short and sweet. When you have to prep yourself to drink something, or retrain yourself not to die, that's something special. Before I took a sip of this I nearly expired. I went in to smell it and the vapors and fizzies went in my nose and burned and tickled me so much that I coughed and sneezed for a solid minute. I went in for a sip and out of instinct, breathed in to, you know, get the drink in my mouth and those same pesky vapors and fizzies went inside of me, hilariously burning all the way down. Cough. Cough. Sneeze. Sneeze.

Taste? It tastes exactly like how you want it to taste like. Carbonated Fireball candies. It is a bit syrupy and between the viscosity and the constant punishment I took from drinking it, I couldn't finish the whole bottle, but I killed a good three quarters of it.

If you ever see this and like cinnamon candies, whether it be Fireballs, those Valentine's cinnamon hearts, cinnamon ice cream, Big Red gum, or anything else candy cinnamon flavored, get this. You will if you don't react to death, you will have a great pop on your hands. I'm serious, every sip went down as harsh as the last and you had to reprogram yourself to not breath in with your nose or mouth when you took a swig. Ugh, so much fun. Thank you, So Duh! I hope someone can find me a bottle of their Liquid Ice because I might actually be fine dying to one of these drinks.
Soda Pop
So Duh!Website@hermitagebrews
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/2/12, 8:32 PM
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So Duh! Rockin' Root Beer

So Duh! Rockin' Root Beer
M - Oh my god Jenny like what are you doing?
J - I'm like totally talking to Brad on the other line. He's such a hunk!
M - As if! He doesn't even have a convertible! You should like totally hang up on him and pick me up so we can go to the mall.
J - But Mindy we were just at the mall yesterday. Actually we've been to the mall everyday for the past 8 months. We even went on Xmas.
M - I know aren't we like totally hardcore! So just shut up. You know you love the mall as much as I do, so get your skinny little butt in your Mustang and drive over here. I hear that the mall diner totally has a new root beer.
J - OH MY GOD! I was totally just talking to Brad about that! He told me that it doesn't taste so much like a root beer. He said it's more like a cola that was brewed with some of the ingredients that were left over from a batch of high quality root beer. He said he didn't even realize that it was a root beer until he was halfway done and read the label! Can you believe that! What a dreamboat! He also said that it has a decent amount of vanilla in it and something else that might be a total butt load of wintergreen or maybe some cloves. He just kept going on and on about how awesome it was though.
M - Jenny, what the hell just happened there? You totally sounded like you were from the Midwest or something.
J - Mindy we live in rural Iowa, we do live in the Midwest, we just like totally love the mall.
M - Whatever girl. Just come pick me up. That food court is calling our names.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
So Duh!Website@hermitagebrews
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/20/11, 12:28 AM
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