Something Natural - 2 Reviews

Something Natural Sparkling Water Strawberry Peach

Something Natural Sparkling Water Strawberry Peach
Fun fact: The Something Natural Company is entirely run by birds. I'm not talking in British slang here; I mean honest to goodness hollow boned, feathered creatures of the sky. The entire reason that these beverages are natural is that the employees don't have the thumbs needed to process…€¦..okay this is just dumb. I think that by insinuating that birds run a company, my idea tank is officially running low. Ignore the birds. There are simply birds on the various labels the company has used in the past. They are nice looking birds, but they are not producing any sort of beverage, well maybe birds nest.

This is a fairly dry beverage, although they do use cane sugar as well as stevia in its production. Even with both of those sweeteners there are only 7g of sugar in this bottle. Not too shabby. The strawberry and peach flavors are both decently strong without being very sweet. That is a nice trick that I'm sure the magicians at the company will reveal the secrets of. At the end of the day this is labeled a sparkling water, but if you called it soda pop and gave it to kids they wouldn't know the difference and it would be much healthier for them. If they put up a fuss, steal my bird lie and they will love it.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Water
Something NaturalWebsite@DrinkNatural
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/6/14, 11:10 AM
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Something Natural Sparkling Water Raspberry Keylime

Something Natural Sparkling Water Raspberry Keylime
For the everyday man family friendly BBQs and children's parties mean coolers full of soda. I'm going to say that for at least 70% of the population that means coolers filled with generic, store brand pop, mostly grape and orange. Some might splurge and spend the extra money and fill those coffers with name brand soda. In my experiences if that is the case, there is going to be one hell of a fruit salad there as well. Who doesn't love fruit salad?

Then there are the other people, the select few whose incomes eclipse our humble earnings. At their parties mini fridges probably replace the coolers, and they aren't filled with normal soda, but healthier, natural versions, such as what I hold in my hands here. The people who have tennis courts in their backyards, and weird exotic animals are a little choosier with what they will serve their guests. Think of the upset in high society if it was discovered that someone was serving Kroger brand cola to their colleague's kids.

I admit that this bottle is a big part of what makes this drink feel so fancy. Who can argue with blue glass, especially with such classy looking print on it? The contents aren't half bad either. It's carbonated water that is lightly flavored. The added taste of fruit exists as more of an aftertaste than it does while your sipping it, but it does a good enough job of combating the seltzer flavor. There is a small amount of cane sugar in here as well as stevia, but the diet taste isn't very strong.

This is basically a “dry” soda that makes you feel like a big timer when you drink it. Everything about it screams money and sophistication, except the price. At the $1.50 that this cost me I can pretend I'm better off than I am while remaining the slack jawed yokel that I will always be.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Water
Something NaturalWebsite@DrinkNatural
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/6/13, 1:25 PM
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