Sonoma Sparkler - 6 Reviews

Sonoma Sparkler Natural Pear

Sonoma Sparkler Natural Pear
Every time I looked at this drink I saw snakes. Confused? Let me explain. Remember in Pee Wee's Big Adventure when the pet store is burning and Pee Wee keeps going in to save the pets, but each time he shivers as he passes the aquarium of snakes, because he knows that eventually he's going to have to reach in and save those snakes? Well this drink is like the contents of that aquarium.

Pears and I are not on the best of terms. When I was growing up the old lady who lived next door had two pear trees in her backyard that she never took care of. Come fall her backyard would be full of the stench of rotting pears that littered the lawn, which brought a bunch of bees and other bugs along with it. This eventually over spilled into my backyard. Bees and decay are not a fun combination. Ever since then I have this thing about pears that I can't shake. Even though we have absolutely loved every other flavor of the Sonoma Sparkler line it has taken me five months to finally drink this soda because of the cursed pear.

I was a fool. This sparkling juice is better than anyone could have ever expected. Yes, this would surprise even pear enthusiasts. The way the pears mix in with the apples is spectacular. They become a Ying and Yang of fruit juices. Neither overpowers the other. They just live in harmony. With no sweeteners added this is nothing but carbonation and juice, which makes it an unbeatable healthy force.

I have faced my fears. I came out with an armful of snakes and I didn't scream and pass out like that baby Pee Wee. In fact, I'm ready to head back in to save some more.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
Sonoma SparklerWebsite@reedsgingerbrew
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 1/30/13, 11:11 AM
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Sonoma Sparkler Natural Blood Orange

Sonoma Sparkler Natural Blood Orange
Wait so did Somona leave the partnership with Williams, or is this beverage just an example of what you can make with the fancy appliances they sell in their stores? Oh neither, it's just the name of a city in California that is located close to where this fancy sparkling beverage is made? Well that's less exciting that knowing that I could pay way too much money to buy kitchen doodads that would allow me to make this drink in the privacy of my own home, but I'll let it slide due to the delectable nature of this juice. It is juice; don't be mistaken. It is simply a mixture of apple and blood orange juices that have had carbon dioxide added to it. There are no sweeteners in here mucking things up. It's pure and it is wonderful. I was hoping it would be pure blood orange juice, so the addition of apples is the only reason this didn't get top marks. It tastes better than 99% of the beverages you have ever drunk, but to be honest it is more apple than orange. The apple flavoring is like a roller coaster car slowly climbing the hill, and the blood orange hits you suddenly and quickly like rushing down that self same hill. Don't worry, there are no loopy loops on this ride to make you lose your lunch.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Juice
Sonoma SparklerWebsite@reedsgingerbrew
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/6/12, 11:48 PM
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Sonoma Sparkler Lemonade

Sonoma Sparkler Lemonade
Who doesn't love Lemonheads? I know I do. They're one of the best candies you can get that has a good lemon flavor. I didn't know what to expect until I looked at this wine shaped bottle and saw the stuff at the bottom. The stuff on the bottom? Pulp. The lifeforce of a lemon or other rined fruit. I think you can see where I'm going here but this tastes like Lemonheads. It's got a great lemon flavor but a nicely candied, still sour lemon. I don't know where these came from. Jay got them for me among his worldly travels. Wherever it came from, you should find it and get some. Get it for yourself and get some for your kids that like little candies. It's not terrible and if you're into health food you will enjoy the sensation that your tooth-rotting child is drinking something organic. I am not into health food and I wouldn't give this to my kid but my kid is under two and he shouldn't be drinking pop. Your kid can drink pop. I don't care. I'm not his dad. Am I his dad? I thought I was in the clear. Have my new found son call me. They've got some catching up to do and I've got a kid to inevitably disappoint.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Lemonade
Sonoma SparklerWebsite@reedsgingerbrew
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 10/30/12, 2:39 PM
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Sonoma Sparkler Organic Apple

Sonoma Sparkler Organic Apple
I just got back from my second camping trip of the week. I'm exhausted, hungry and filthy. I decided to put stuff away before I took care of my previously mentioned issues. As I was unloading the food and drinks that I brought, but didn't consume, I dropped with bottle of sparkling apple juice on the floor. I was glad that it didn't shatter, but when I picked it up the cap had come loose and juice was spraying out. Drinking this so it wouldn't be wasted took top priority.

I found these beverages at a natural food store in Richmond, VA. They were on sale, so I purchased the whole line. I'm glad I did, because they are superior beverages to most. Sometimes I get a need for soda. I just need it or I feel like I'm going to explode. It's not the flavor, but the bubbles and they way they feel going down my throat. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but too bad you can read it again. Sure I could stay healthy and just drink seltzer water when I get this itch, but I just can't get down with the weird flavor it has, no matter how often I try. Sonoma Sparkler's may not be as good for you as seltzer water, but it's apple juice that has been carbonated. There are no sweeteners or anything like that added. As a bonus the flavor is great. It obviously tastes like the sparkling apple juice non-drinkers like myself down on new years eve, except it's way better because it's just juice with no sugar, and it's still ultra sweet. Nature, she knew what she was doing when she made fruit. She also knew what she was doing when she made animals hide from me. I spent a bunch of time in the woods and I didn't see a single bear, beaver, bobcat, porcupine or otter. I feel cheated.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Juice
Sonoma SparklerWebsite@reedsgingerbrew
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/25/12, 3:50 PM
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Sonoma Sparkler Natural Peach

Sonoma Sparkler Natural Peach
Once again Mike and I are on the same wavelength. We both randomly drank and reviewed Sonoma Sparklers today. We know each otherâ…‚¬…„¢s bodies. He said his raspberry was pretty tasty, and I can verify that the natural peach flavored one is out of this world. It tastes exactly like Looza peach nectar if it were carbonated (and not so thick). Itâ…‚¬…„¢s out of control good. Itâ…‚¬…„¢s like someone took the worldâ…‚¬…„¢s most perfectly ripe peach and injected it with a syringe full of carbon dioxide. Itâ…‚¬…„¢s apparently mostly apple juice with peach concentrate added, but I really only taste peach. There was no need to add sweeteners, so they didnâ…‚¬…„¢t. When I say Iâ…‚¬…„¢m in love you best believe Iâ…‚¬…„¢m in love, and I am 100% in love with this sparkling juice.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
Sonoma SparklerWebsite@reedsgingerbrew
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/30/12, 11:37 PM
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Sonoma Sparkler Raspberry

Sonoma Sparkler Raspberry
Jimmy loved the Fourth of July. He loved both the holiday and the Soundgarden record. When he rode to his aunt and uncle's house every Fourth, he would see how long he would be able to listen to that song on loop before he couldn't take it anymore and turn it off. His record is nine.

When he got to his relative's house, his aunt said that she had some sparklers for him. Now Jimmy was nineteen and didn't get the same kick out of sparklers as he once did. He went to go get some pulled pork and corn when he saw his aunt coming out with a small box. She handed him the box and he asked her what it was. She told him that it was a box of sparklers. He looked inside and there were small bottles of a carbonated drink that was all fruit and no sugar. Jimmy was pretty psyched because it was either this or off-brand colas.

He sat down to talk to his grandpa about what each other have been up to and cracked open the raspberry Sparkler. He was pretty excited about how good it was. It tastes like carbonated apple juice with crushed up raspberries in it. He then went through all his relatives at the party and told everyone to drink some. They all liked it. He was more than happy to have this box of drinks to share with his entire extended family. He doesn't really have a lot to talk to a lot of them, even the ones that he sees outside of the annual reunion. Now that he had this drink, that wasn't going to be a problem for at least two years.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Juice
Sonoma SparklerWebsite@reedsgingerbrew
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/30/12, 4:39 PM
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