Soylent - 2 Reviews

Soylent Coffiest

Soylent Coffiest
Here I am sitting in my pod waiting for my morning rations to be distributed. Oh, here it is now. If you're reading this, then you're probably in the past. Sometime in the early 21st century I presume. You know how there's a bunch of horrible things going on in the world, but there is also a bunch of really rad stuff as well? Well the rad things just aren't enough and everything falls apart. There are wars, natural disasters and eventually civilization collapses. Small groups survive and meet up to form a new society. Since most of the food sources have been wiped out the scientists among us create these beverages to fill our dietary needs. It's important to keep a sense of humor in these dire times, so they named the drinks Soylent, after the old Charlton Heston movie, you know before he went all gun crazy.

The normal rations taste like soy milk, which is to be expected, but in the mornings we get a bit of a treat and get the Coffiest version of them. It's pretty much the same thing as the original, but with coffee added. It tastes like a nice soy latte. It's hard to argue with it when it's basically the only flavor we get these days. Along with that we get our nutrients as well as the same amount of caffeine that used to be found in a cup of coffee. Well, when you used to be able to find such a thing. At least it doesn't taste like diet poison with the sucralose they use.

The future is a horrible place. Enjoy the world while you still have it. Eat all the fruits and vegetables you can find, because in the not too distant future all you're going to taste is soy and coffee. Honestly it's not that bad and it could easily be much worse.
Coffee and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 12/9/16, 8:23 PM
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Soylent Drink

Soylent Drink
I've watched enough futuristic science fiction movies to know that Soylent is a sign that we are actually living in the beginning of a dystopian society. Soon the Singularity will occur and humans will become slaves to our robotic overlords. Fear not though all of our nutrition will comes in one convenient beverage, Soylent. To be fair the company hasn't quite cracked the code completely, but they are on their way. Each bottle of this ready-to-drink meal in a bottle provides 20% of the daily nutritional requirements that a human needs. This company is the future and it is the definition of efficiency in nutrition. Sure if they could get it down to pill form it would be the craziest thing ever, but as it stands right now this liquid has everything you need to survive and even helps with digestion, provides energy and does everything you need to function.

As for what efficiency tastes like, the answer is simply the soy milk that is left over after you eat a bowl of oat based cereal. I kind of expected something a little different, but in dystopia taste is not a concern, merely survival. It's not an offensive flavor, it just kind of bland, but in a way that does not concern you.

We are living in the future and things are only going to get more horrible in the world around us, but fear not Soylent has our backs and will make sure that we get the nutrients we need in the wasteland that is to come.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 12/5/16, 2:39 PM
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