Tetley - 2 Reviews

Tetley Blend Iced Tea

Tetley Blend Iced Tea
Making an iced tea blend of tea is like making a tailor made tea for me. I drink a bit of hot tea but for my money, iced tea 'til death. I think I just thought of a new tattoo. What a dumb tattoo to get but man am I passionate about iced tea. Guys, seriously, how many times have I said that I would quit Thirsty Dudes just to drink iced tea for the rest of my life. This would be in my repertoire if that ever happened. It's a deep, dark bold tea. Take one of these bags and make a nice, tall, 24 ounce glass of heaven. I might be able to get two decent servings since I made a smaller cup before.

If I had a big jug, I could make some fantastic sweet tea. Also, if it wasn't 58 degrees that might help too. I only make sun tea in the summer. You can call me a snob but dude, it's sun tea. It harkens back to when things were simpler. Not the hectic, grueling city life that I lead now. That is an over-exaggeration.
Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/2/15, 11:58 AM
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Tetley Lemon Iced Tea

Tetley Lemon Iced Tea
To me Tetley is an old ladies tea. A grandma tea if you will. It's what my grandmother always drank, and it was probably my first experience with tea as a child. I was young and dumb and I thought it was complete garbage. Now that I've wised up through the years I love tea. It's probably my favorite beverage. The thing I loved about Tetley when I was a kid was that each box of tea came with a little ceramic animal. My grandmother's cabinet was filled with them (She was a women who loved her tea). Playing with them filled many hours of my youth.

When I was up in Canada recently I saw this at a grocery store and I felt I owed it to that forgotten porcelain army to buy it and review it for the site. Let me tell you 2 liters is a lot of beverage. Especially when it's a way sweet beverage. This is a good quality low quality iced tea, if that makes any sense. There's nothing special or fancy about it. It's actually more like sugar water than tea, but it kept me coming back for more. The lemon flavor is also very strong. If this came in tall boys it would be a nice and refreshing drink to pick up at gas stations on road trips. As it is I'll keep nursing this huge bottle.
Iced Tea
Jason Draper on 6/8/11, 10:09 AM
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