Organic Gemini - 8 Reviews

Organic Gemini Guarana Energy

Organic Gemini Guarana Energy
Okay folks, let's be honest with ourselves, can we really in good faith call this an energy drink? This is really just coconut water with guarana seed extract in it. I know you're out there saying well that's something that I've seen on the ingredient list for other energy drinks, but the thing is that it is just a source of natural caffeine. Sure this tastes good. It tastes like coconut water with a little bit of flavoring in it. The thing is that this isn't going to give someone the boost they are expecting with an energy drink. It will help rehydrate them when they feel like they are hungover even though they haven't had alcohol in decades, but that's a different story altogether. Let's be fair; if we call this an energy drink then we have to start calling colas energy drinks and I don't think anyone is comfortable with that.
Coconut and Energy Drink
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
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Jason Draper on 6/4/15, 9:37 PM
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Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Banana

Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Banana
Can someone check with Dante for me and find out exactly what circle of hell drinking bananas (the most hated of all fruits) falls in? I think it's either in the hoarders or the wrathful, but I'm not exactly sure. As you may have guessed, this is simply not for me. I don't know if I can stress that enough. For those of you out there that have mutated taste buds who are confused and think that bananas taste great, you're going to more than likely love this. Imagine blending up some ripe bananas and then thinning out the muck with some soy milk. There you go, you now know what this tastes like and do what you will with that knowledge. I personally will run away in fear.
Juice and Other/Weird
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/12/14, 11:53 AM
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Organic Gemini Horchata Strawberry

Organic Gemini Horchata Strawberry
There's no other way to put this, Organic Gemini's strawberry horchata tastes like I through some strawberries in a blender with a bit of non-dairy milk to make it more of a liquid consistency. It's even got some seeds in it, just like when I juice at home. I expected it to taste like a variation of Strawberry Quik, but it really just tastes like juiced fruit, which is the key to my heart. . It's by far my favorite of their line, and I'm glad they sent us some advance samples to try. I have nothing bad to say about something that tastes so natural.
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/8/14, 12:02 PM
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Organic Gemini Horchata Bee Pollen

Organic Gemini Horchata Bee Pollen
I feel like "bee pollen" is something you could be wildly allergic to. I'm no doctor but just the thought of people being deadly allergic to bees and annoyingly allergic pollen doesn't sound like something that is going to push a lot of product.

Since I am not allergic to either of the aforementioned allergens I dove headfirst into the world of bee pollen. Now I love honey. I love it. Horchata, namely this brand of horchata has been a bit iffy because of its watery nature. All the same, I took a small, beginners sip and it wasn't half bad. You can taste the honey first followed by the strange, bland taste of the horchata. Now before you hit "Send" on the angry email you are writing to me, listen. This is what it is. If you're going to have a dairy-free, gluten free drink primarily based on something that, I'm pretty sure, is supposed to be gluten-full, you're going to have to make some changes. The change they made was adding a pretty fantastic, albeit short lived, honey flavor. Fine. I get it. It's healthy and there are no additional sugars or anything fake in. Credit where credit is due, this is a honey flavored, strangely viscous drink. I know Jay and I sound like broken records when we're reviewing these products but when you base product leaves a bit to be desired, you're going to have similar results in the end. You can also chalk this up to any of the following:

  • Different Strokes for different folks
  • It's not for everyone
  • Every rose has it's thorn
  • A rabbi and a nun walk into a bar
  • I want to say "Mason"
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 9/4/14, 6:33 PM
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Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Coffee

Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Coffee
So after the spoiled disaster that was the last time I tried this beverage (you can read it below), Organic Gemini was nice enough to send me another bottle. I am happy to say that this one no longer tastes like dumpster juice smells. I have to say, it's not quite what I expected though.

When I was a kid I loved the way coffee grounds smelled. I would always open the can and take a big whiff. At some point, for no explainable reason, I started to eat the smallest pinch of coffee grounds when I would smell it. I chalk it up to the strangeness of youth. It was by no means enjoyable, yet I continued. The coffee flavor in here tastes like those coffee grounds, if they had actually brought me some pleasure. That sounds like a put down, but I'm actually okay with it. It just tastes more like grounds than actual brewed coffee. I let my ladyfriend try it, who is a coffee addict (mostly fancy brews) and she thought this was terrible. She said she couldn't tell if it was the coffee, the horchata or the dates, but after one sip she couldn't stomach another. I personally think she's just being picky. This by no means tastes like any of her fancy coffee, but it's not atrocious. It kind of reminds me of the Folgers my mom used to drink, you know with more of a grounds flavor. The dates do add a weird semi sweetness that I don't think it necessary, but I'm okay with this Spanish horchata latte.

Here is the spoiled review:
After drinking, and reviewing, the other organic Gemini flavors we knew what we were getting into. This Spanish horchata is more like a milk substitute than anything else. Knowing that I fully expected this to taste like a normal latte with tigernut as the milk. I cracked open the bottle took a big sip, and…€¦Choose either option A or B.
was shocked to notice that it had a little bit of a fruit flavor to it. That would be due to the fact that it contains Medjool dates, weird right? They aren't overly strong though. It basically just tastes like a shot of coffee in a glass of milk, but the lack of sugar made it stand out from a lot of prepackaged coffee drinks.

pretty much spit it everywhere. This was not what I expected. It tastes like the dumpsters in the back of the grocery store I used to work at smelled on a hot summer day when someone would throw the expired milk in it. That's right IL said it tastes like dumpster juice. It also has a weird fruity taste to it from the Medjool dates. To be honest it also smelled like gross, gross feet. I must have not breathed in when I took that sip, or I doubt it would have crossed my lips. There is hardly any coffee taste to this at all, it just tastes wrong.

Every part of me wants to give the company the benefit of the doubt and say that this bottle has gone bad. The thing is that when it was shipped to us, it was in ice packs, and I instantly put it in the fridge. It also has about a week before the expiration date. I hope something went wrong in transit, because the other flavors were actually decent. Option A is based on other people's reviews of the product and since everyone else seemed to really enjoy it, I'm going to pretend that was how my drinking experience went.
Coffee and Other/Weird
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/28/14, 3:40 PM
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Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Unsweetened

Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Unsweetened
About ten years ago soy milk became a common place thing in grocery stores. Sure it wasn't everywhere, but more than likely at least one store in your town would have it. It was a blessing for those who were lactose intolerant and those of us who just think that animal milk is absolutely disgusting by nature. Would you feed your cats breast milk? I'm assuming the thought of it completely disgusts you, so why are you drinking cow's breast milk?

Slowly it became more popular, and then almond milk hit the scene and made waves. It tasted better and was healthier. I drink unsweetened almond milk on my cereal every morning, and I love it. So do a lot of people because I keep seeing more and more of it.

My question now is will tigernut horchata be the next stage in the evolution of popular milk type beverages? This bottle is nothing but water and tigernuts and it tastes somewhere between soy and almond milk. I keep expecting there to be a banana aftertaste, but thank goodness that there is not. I've never been one to drink a glass of any sort of milk beverage, so drinking this seems a little strange. I can only say that it tastes like it would go great with my cereal though. I just wonder if it is cost effective.
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/21/14, 1:23 PM
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Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Original

Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Original
Does this deserve to be in the "other/weird" category? No but it's not milk, it's not an energy drink. It's not a juice. It's not sparkling or gelatinous or really much of anything. It tastes like a watered down soy milk. Maybe an almond milk because I do get a bit of "nut" to it much like you would with an almond milk. In that case, take a ten ounce glass of almond milk and use water to stretch it out to fill a sixteen ounce glass because it's what the customer wants and the customer is always right. Well in this case, they're both "right" and "getting wronged" since they aren't getting 100% of what they asked for. Where is said customer going and asking for a horchata, by the way?

First sip and this is strange. I thought it was going to be a bit thicker but it's quite, well, thin. Second is that there is a trace amount of fruit brought to you by your good friend, the date. This is not terrible but I've had different horchata and had certain expectations. Perhaps the stuff I drank was garbage and this is closer to the real thing? I also thought there was cinnamon in there for some reason. If there was, this may have gotten a better review. For now, I guess the original is a bit beige. Perhaps a good base in which to add things to. Tofu by itself is kind of boring but add some spices and seasoning and it's a totally different animal. Ahh the elusive tofu bird. A delicious creature.
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/18/14, 4:04 PM
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Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Chai

Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Chai
Well, consider me schooled. I first encountered horchata about ten years ago in a Mexican restaurant in Chicago. A friend heavily recommended that I get a glass, and I fell in love. It was a wonderfully sweet cinnamon rice drink. Since then I have always gotten a glass of it when it was available in restaurants. When I heard about Tigernut I was very pleased with the possibility of purchasing ready to drink versions of it outside of restaurants. The company was nice enough to send us some samples for review, and I couldn't help but go for the chai flavored one first. Horchata and chai are two flavors that I absolutely love, and I knew they would complement each other in the best possible way.

When I took my first sip I was a bit confused. You see there is no rice in this drink at all. The ingredient list says it contains water, tigernuts (actually a tuber and not a nut at all), dates, spices, and well…€¦love. It's nut, dairy and gluten free, but it also being void of rice had me questioning the company. I then did some research and discovered that what I am used to is the Latin American version of the drink. This is the version from Spain. Learning that helped to quell my disappointment. Now that I knew this was a completely different beverage I could enjoy it more, since I wasn't expecting ingredients that did not exist.

There is no dairy in here, but it's very milky. It really tastes like an ices chai latte. The spices taste real and not just a bunch of stuff jammed together. Essentially this tastes like a nice high end chai beverage. I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish it had some rice in it, but knowing what it is supposed to be, it has achieved exactly that in a tasty manner.
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/11/14, 1:19 PM
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