Tropical Fantasy - 4 Reviews

Tropical Fantasy Cocktails Pineapple

Tropical Fantasy Cocktails Pineapple
Uh hello, I'd like to speak to your supervisor. You see I spent a lot of money, and I mean a cubic butt ton, on my tropical vacation and it was nothing like I was promised. In the brochure it was listed as a tropical fantasy. Now, I know that means different things to different people, but I believe there is a general underlying theme to everyone's thoughts on a perfect vacation of that sort. I can assure you what I received was nothing close to that. I chose the pineapple package. I feel like that's a very specific niche, and as I said it just was not delivered.

For starters there is not a lick of pineapple anywhere to be seen in here. It's all sugar, pears and apples and that's pretty much what the base of it is like. On top of that is the vaguest of pineapple flavors that I wouldn't ever be able to place is I wasn't looking for it. The addition of sucralose along with the high fructose corn syrup does not help a thing, especially since it still contains 48g of sugar.

As I said I am completely unhappy and I would like a refund. Oh, you'll reimburse the fifty cents it cost to my account. Well thank you. I'm sure the time it took me to contact you about this is worth more than the amount reimbursed, but it's the principle of it all.
Tropical FantasyWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 12/27/13, 2:24 PM
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Tropical Fantasy Cocktails Blue Raspberry

Tropical Fantasy Cocktails Blue Raspberry
Does anyone in the world actually like cheap blue raspberry pop? I think not. As a result they open it, take a few sips and then leave it out to lose its carbonation. That is what this tastes like a crappy soda that no longer has bubbles and vaguely tastes like a melted Freezepop. It's candy in fake juice form. I can't even imagine that children would truly like this. What can you expect for $.50 though?
Tropical FantasyWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 10/1/13, 9:32 PM
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Tropical Fantasy South Sweet Tea

Tropical Fantasy South Sweet Tea
Yesterday, the highly anticipated Trials Evolution was released. I invited twenty-five people over, nine of which did. We ate pizza including one "hot dog stuffed crust" pizza that was not as good as it should have been. I blame it on the veggie dogs, but it's obvious that's what did it. Not the fact that it was a hot dog stuffed crust pizza. We drank pop that I always get when I have large gatherings. We played video games. Into the night we raced together, screaming at the TV and at each other. It was wonderful.

My brother brought this tea. I don't know where he got it as I always have my eyes open when I'm in stores and have never seen this line. He reluctantly let me have some as he brought it for himself, which doesn't apply in the walls of a Thirsty Dude house. If we haven't reviewed it, we get a sip. Let it be known. Everything has to be reviewed and everything will be reviewed, regardless of whom the drink is for.

This drink was a fraction better than I thought it would be. The problem with "sweet tea" is that when mass-produced, nine times out of ten it sucks. I'll say it. Corn syrup ruins sweet tea and if anything, you're just making sweetened tea. "Sweet Tea" is a term that should be reserved for true sweet tea. I can't hammer that home enough. This actually did have a legit black tea taste, although more syrupy than desired. It wouldn't make a Southern mom happy, but it would make a poor college kid happy. Based on sheer quantity, I think they might be on the right track.
Iced Tea
Tropical FantasyWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 4/19/12, 11:14 AM
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Tropical Fantasy Guava

Tropical Fantasy Guava
By the quality of this juice this company's idea of a tropical location is a third world country. A country that certainly does not have the funds available to properly grow and harvest guavas. Instead they go the inexpensive route and make a fake guava juice. There is pear and apple juice in this, but not a drop of the nectar of the guava. It still remotely tastes like the fruit, but a kid version of it. This is the kind of juice that would be in the lowest common denominator juice box. You can certainly tell that it is sweetened with HFCS, but for some reason there is sucralose in it as well. It's not bad for the price, but it's not what I would want when I have the craving for juice from one of the best fruits in the world.
Tropical FantasyWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 2/29/12, 4:53 PM
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