Uncle Matt's - 2 Reviews

Uncle Matt's Homestyle Lemonade

Uncle Matt's Homestyle Lemonade
Suspicions ran high on Willowbrook Lane. Everyone was thinking it, but no one had the guts to just come out and say that there is no way that two girls aged 4 and 6 could make lemonade this good. It most neighborhoods any beverage sold by children at the side of the road are bottom of the barrel quality wise, but on Willowbrook Lanethat is not always the case. You see it's a rich neighborhood and the children's parents can afford quality ingredients (aka fresh fruit and cane sugar) instead of drink mix. This lemonade that the Belini girls have been selling since Friday is something different altogether. Normally the neighbors would buy a glass out of pity and a sense of duty, but with this lemonade there was a continuous line. That's right, the entire neighborhood lined up to get a glass of lemonade, and then when they finished they would get back in line. The lemonade was that good. It had the perfect ratio of lemon juice to sugar. It was what summer dreams were made of.

So everyone was buying and enjoying the lemonade, but as I said they had their suspicions. First off, little girls more than likely couldn't make lemonade that good. Secondly, for the amount of product they were moving, the girls spent surprisingly little time indoors making up more. Everyone thought their parents were making it for them, but then people realized that both of them had been outside doing yard work all weekend. The mystery actually wasn't solved until garbage night when the recycling bin outside of the Belini house was overflowing with empty bottles of Uncle Matt's Organic Lemonade. You cannot believe how fast word spread around the neighborhood of the children's deceit. People were furious, like pitchfork and torch furious, until Mr. Belini pointed out how much people enjoyed the lemonade. The block club then held a quick meeting and decided the girls had to use the money they earned to buy something that would benefit the entire block. That is the story of why the bust of Lionel Richie from the “Hello” video ended up in the middle of the cul de sac at the end of Willowbrook Lane.
Uncle Matt'sWebsite@UncleMatts
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 6/4/12, 10:02 PM
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Uncle Matt's Grapefruit Juice

Uncle Matt's Grapefruit Juice
Do you remember Uncle Traveling Matt from Fraggle Rock? Well, he's back in a big way. What they never really delved into during the show was that the whole reason for Matt's travels was that he was searching for a fruit that he had once tried as a child. He was so fixated on a fruit whose name that he had never known that he traversed the globe and tried every fruit he could get his hands on.

His trip would have been cut way shorter if it wasn't for the great blunder of `93. That was when he first visited Florida and tried an orange. He thought that it was similar to the fruit of his memories, but it wasn't quite there. It was on that same trip that he passed a grapefruit orchard, but he kept right on going because he mistook them for unripe oranges. Since that time he had gone all over the world and felt that he must start over. On his second trip to Florida a few years ago he finally tasted a grapefruit and the memories came flooding back. The way it's sour juices spilled over his throat in such unique way. He had tried it with sugar, and sure it was tasty, but he felt it ruined the magic of the fruit. He spent the day as if it were a dream wandering the orchard and gorging himself on the yellow fruit.

The next morning he took what was left of his monies and purchased the orchard. He then went to task or juicing the wonderful fruit for the world to enjoy. He sent a case back to Gobo and the rest of the Fraggles, but they never received them. After Doc passed away the Fraggles never seemed to receive their mail anymore. It was a travesty.
“Oh well,” thought Matt at least the world could still experience his juice, which was made of nothing but the nectar of organically grown grapefruits. He never made it from concentrate, nor did he ever add sugar. Matt was a purist when it came to fruit juice and the world thanked him for his wonderfully sour juice.
Uncle Matt'sWebsite@UncleMatts
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/5/12, 12:09 PM
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