VBlast - 6 Reviews

VBlast Dragonfruit

VBlast Dragonfruit
"What happened to the powder?" sounds like something a cocaine addict would say but instead, I am saying that about what I thought was in the cap of the VBlast stuff. "What happened to the powder?" I exclaimed at work as I punctured the cap residing receptacle and liquid came out. I wanted to shake endlessly but instead, all I got was an instantly mixed diet drink that tastes roughly like every other "red diet" drink I've ever had. I've eaten a dragonfruit…€¦a real one. I paid over seven dollars for it and at that price, I shall never forget it. This might not even have it in there. It just tastes like some drink an eighties receptionist would give to you if she offered you juice and really just gave you, generously, a glass of Crystal Light.

Thank you, Sharon, but I need dat powder. It's the eighties and I've got on a houndtooth sport coat, jeans and have a craving for nose candy if you know what I mean.
Juice, Mix/Concentrate and Water
United States
Mike Literman on 9/4/15, 1:48 PM
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VBlast Grape

VBlast Grape
Thank you for coming to the 3 o'clock show of The Great Blastino! I hope you all enjoyed the past 20 minutes of magic and illusions. We have time for one final trick, The Miraculous VBlast! In this trick I will turn an ordinary bottle of water in a vitamin packed treat with a light purple hue.

For this trick I will need a volunteer from the audience. Yes you, you will do nicely. Will you please come up here and inspect this bottle. Feel free to taste it. Can you confirm that this bottle is full of nothing but ordinary water? Yes? Good. Now let me return the cap, say the magic words, BolognaOnPastrami! Now you will notice that the fluid in the bottle has changed in color. Please take another sip and tell us how it now tastes. Ahh yes, you say it has a nice light grape candy flavor, but in a diety sort of way. You would be correct. You will also be happy to know that you just received a mouthful of crucial vitamins in a fun and interesting way.

Now folks magicians aren't supposed to reveal their secrets, but truth be told I actually am an employee of the VBlast Corporation and this entire performance was put together as a marketing technique to introduce you to our newest vitamin drink. You see it truly was just a bottle of spring water; the vitamins are all stored in the cap, which once you twist it causes the contents to drop into the water. All you need to do then is shake it up and enjoy. Bottles are available for sale in the lobby. I will also be out shortly to sign autographs.
Mix/Concentrate, Sports/Dietary Supplement, Water and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 5/10/13, 2:50 PM
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VBlast Peach Tea Blast

VBlast Peach Tea Blast
I have a confession to make: this is the first "ingredients in the cap" drink I have had. I know this isn't a big deal to most people, but I feel ashamed admitting this as a 'Thirsty Dude'. It's almost the equivalent of me saying I never had an aloe drink before. Actually, if that was the case Mike and Jay would probably suspend me from the website. Give me a week off to think about what I did, like I was a delinquent kid who stole his parents golf clubs.

The liquid comes out brown when you unscrew the cap, which was kind of unsettling at first. I'll be honest it looked like diarrhea. Sorry to get that image in your head. Once it mixes with the water, it looks just like peach tea so that initial thought gets flushed away. The peach flavor is quite strong and luckily the sucralose doesn't obscure the taste too much. In fact, for a sugar free drink this is quite sweet. If I had to guess I would have thought it was sweetened with sugar.

The only thing that's disappointing is the lack of much of a tea flavor. There is "tea essence" in this, which sounds like someone sprinkled some tea flakes on top. It tastes closer to vitamin water than peach tea. Since there are lots of vitamins in this, and the base is spring water, this isn't that far fetched.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Water, Mix/Concentrate, Iced Tea and Diet
United States
Derek Neuland on 4/24/13, 2:08 PM
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VBlast Strawberry Kiwi

VBlast Strawberry Kiwi
I handed this to my friend/coworker and I told him to get "V Blasted." We knew it was gross, we acknowledged it was gross, and then moved on. He unscrewed the cap, shook it, and got juice on him. I promptly told him that he got "V blasted." We knew it was gross, we acknowledged it was still gross, and then we moved on.

I don't care what you say this is a juice. You can call it water all you want but I would like to see you give anyone this drink and have them not call it a juice. Stop it with the water. No one is offended by the word "juice." As a juice it is quite good. It's sweet and has a slight sting from the sucralose but is promptly covered up by a rush of…€¦you guessed it, strawberry and kiwi. Good flavors, too. Nothing at all bad.

You get to buy it, make it, shake it, and drink a pretty good juice all in a matter of seconds. It's a pretty good deal also not forgetting the fact that it is a downright disgusting name that you get to keep your mind in the gutter for. Ugh. VBlast.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Water, Mix/Concentrate, Juice and Diet
United States
Mike Literman on 3/20/13, 4:06 PM
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VBlast Gator Pit Lemon Lime

VBlast Gator Pit Lemon Lime
Hi, Skip Gator here. When diving into the gator pit to get your wrestle on it's very important to be hydrated and to have your daily serving of vitamins. Now many of my competitors do this the old fashioned way with a bottle of water and some multi-vitamins from the drug store. I say, “Who has time for that?” I need to get getting myself psyched up for the rush of the fight. That is why I combine the two and down a bottle of V Blast. They even have formulated a specific blend for me that they call “Gator Pit.” They know my love of all things green includes limes, so they made my drink lemon lime flavored, heavy on the lime. Mrs. Gator says that it smells like a green freeze pop, I can't argue with her. She also says it's way more lime than lemon and tastes like that self same freeze pop if it didn't have a harshness to it. What can I say? My lady knows how to exactly pin point a flavor. Don't get her wrong, she doesn't mean that in a bad way either, it's just the way things are.

The fun in V Blast comes in the fact that the vitamins are stored in the cap and when you open it they are dropped into the liquid below. That helps keep the vitamins fresh for optimal use by the body. It also gives the whole thing a bit of a children's vitamin flavor as well. It's interesting and fun. Oh did I mention the vitamin flavor severely decreases the taste of the sucralose used to sweeten this puppy? Well it does, and for that I'm grateful. You gotta keep in top shape to tangle with a gator and sugar is a big no no in my world.

Welp, the bells a ringing and that means it's time for me to jump into the pit. With the extra boost I got from V Blast this fight will be a cinch.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Water, Mix/Concentrate and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 3/11/13, 2:33 PM
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VBlast Pomegranate Cherry

VBlast Pomegranate Cherry
VBlast is a terribly disgusting name for a company. Anything really. Just "Blast" would have been fine but as soon as you added the "V" in there, my mind only goes one place and it gets grozz. I just had to get that off my chest first.

Secondly, this is just juice. This tastes like cherry Kool-Aid. I know there is pomegranate allegedly in there but he is hiding and shouldn't be paid for his role in this drink. It's diet and zero calories and sucralose is not offensive so if you love kid juice and just can't get past the fact that it has like a trillion calories, here is a good supplement. Also, it's got vitamins in it so all of a sudden juice is healthy. Blows your mind with what science can do nowadays, right?
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Water and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Mike Literman on 11/28/12, 2:06 PM
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