Veryfine - 4 Reviews

Veryfine Chill Fruit Punch

Veryfine Chill Fruit Punch
Sometimes my friends, the bargain just isn't worth it. You're in the store looking for something to quench your thirst and you come across a tallboy whose label announced it as “Only $1.” The natural reaction is, “Wow, that's quite a deal. I'd be paying less than five cents per fluid ounce.” The problem with that is, that even if what is contained in the can is the tastiest beverage on Earth, do you really need 23oz of it in one sitting? I understand that the Nutrition Facts state that the can actually holds three servings, but who doesn't drink it all in one go, or throw out the remainder? If this was a resealable bottle, it would be a different story, but these drinks are marketed for people to grab whilst on the go and no one wants to carry around an open can until they are ready for their next serving.

The sad truth is that this is not only too much beverage, but also it is far from being the tastiest beverage on the planet. It's a fruit punch that only contains 5% juice. That means that 95% of what you'd be drinking is composed of weird stuff like ester of wood rosin, brominated vegetable oil and of course corn syrup. I know a lot of that is actually water, but still, come on. Fruit punch is not very good to begin with. I was once told that it was the beverage of children and poor people. While I do think there was a bit of racism meant in that statement, I have to admit that I have never seen anyone who was over the age of 15 and well off drinking anything of this variety (unless it was mixed juices at a fancy juice bar, which I wouldn't consider fruit punch).

This does have couple of things going for it, and they all boil down to the sweeteners used. Veryfine decided to mix sucralose in with their corn syrup to lower the calorie count in the beverage. It leaves it with a slight diet flavor, but nothing unbearable. The big up to that is that it's a fruit punch that doesn't feel like you're drinking syrup.

Overall it still has that generic fruit punch flavor that is like the hotdogs of juices (ie. whatever is leftover). I appreciate the company taking steps to improve fruit punch, but there is still a long ways to go. Also, unless you're planning on sharing this with a friend, I really hope you plan on pouring a bunch of it out, or have a fridge close by to save it for later.
United States
Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 3/23/14, 11:15 AM
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Veryfine Chill Orangeade

Veryfine Chill Orangeade
It's not terrible to be in the middle. For the most part, if you are in the middle you are either content with skimming by or you like to stay hidden. That or the whole "glass ceiling" thing. You'll break it one day, friend. As soon as they understand that great idea of yours isn't as crazy as they once thought.

Speaking of the middle, no not the overplayed Jimmy Eat World song, but this drink. It is in the middle between a crappy orange juice and "orange drink" which is inherently crappy. I don't know where the "ade" comes from but I wish someone had helped "aid" this company in the flavoring of this drink. Yes, I know. Pun humor. If any drink dictates it, this one does. It's not bad, but it just tastes like it could either be better or worse and that in itself is its punishment.

Middle finger? Too strong for this drink. It just tastes a little diet, all fake, and like you thought, "Hey. Orange is orange." and mixed orange drinks together and called it a day and hoped your daddy wouldn't notice you drank most of his orange juice. Oh he'll know and you'll be in trouble. It's just orange juice though so he won't be mad for long. Just go outside and shovel or mow the lawn or something.
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 1/16/14, 4:52 PM
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Veryfine Chill Berry Lemonade

Veryfine Chill Berry Lemonade
I can assure you my dear readers that lemonade does not have the same effect in winter as it does in summer. There is a reason that it is a beverage that is celebrated in the warmer months. It's refreshing qualities help to fend off the oppressive heat. Now when you're standing in a freezing basement watching bands play an a December eve, you may want to rethink your choice if you grabbed a lemonade to keep you hydrated. I simply do not know what I was thinking.

The Chill line is Veryfine's attempt at the inexpensive tallboy game. 23oz at only $1 is a deal…€¦or is it? I mean sure it's inexpensive, but wouldn't you have been content with a nice 12 or 16oz drink instead? Do you really need that much liquid, sugar and calories? Lucky for us Veryfine took that into consideration when formulating this beverage and used a mixture of corn syrup and sucralose to sweeten this lemonade. I must admit that they are two of my least favorite sweeteners, but at least the combined three servings in this can only contain 24g of sugar. A tallboy of Arizona's lemon iced tea contains 72g.

Perhaps some of you, and it's more likely most of you don't particularly care about the healthiness of your beverages. All you want to know if what does it taste like. If you ever hung out at my house whilst I was in high school, you are probably well aware of the ever present jug of blue juice that was in my fridge. What it really contained was an overly sweetened Berry Blue Kool Aid. This drink tastes exactly like how I made my Kool Aid as a disillusioned teenager. The thing is that while I used to dump insane amounts of sugar into my concoction, this will not give you the diabetes. Even though it has sucralose in it, it taste in no way diet. It also doesn't taste overly like lemonade either. It mainly just tastes “blue.” You know you know what I mean by that too, so do with it what you will.
United States
Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 12/9/13, 3:42 PM
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Veryfine Chill Strawberry Kiwi

Veryfine Chill Strawberry Kiwi
I lived in an apartment with my girlfriend and we had downstairs neighbors. We lived adjacent each other for about a year before we said as much as one word to each other. Why? Well I can't tell you for sure but it didn't hurt that the dude downstairs always went to work wearing a nice shirt, slacks, and was always smiling. That in itself is enough to turn me off because, as you might guess, I am a salty jerk off.

One day I helped the girl downstairs get a mouse out of her bathroom and we made friends. Later that week was Halloween and we were outside with our dog dressed up as a lobster and they came out and sat on the porch. We instantly hit it off. I judged a book by its cover and missed out on a solid year of potential friendship. This drink is much like my relationship with my neighbors. I thought this was going to suck because it's in a tall can, has corn syrup, and just looks like it's going to suck. It is quite the opposite. It is a very good juice that doesn't at all reflect its outsides. It's sweet, not oversweet, and tastes like a good strawberry kiwi juice. Yeah, it's got a little bit of an aftertaste of something but it's easily masked by another sip.

No I am only on the surface comparing this can of juice to the solid friendship that I didn't know I had one story below me but now I've got a juice that I've judged wrongly and a friend that I have scammed, schemed and hinted at having sexuals with each other's partners for the past five years that I wouldn't trade for the world. I would push this can into a bus to save him and I would not do the opposite. This drink is better than I thought. I could have started and ended with that but now you learned a valuable lesson about life and friendship. Make a friend and share a tallboy with them. You won't regret it.
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 10/15/13, 4:31 PM
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