Vio - 3 Reviews

Vio Vibrancy Drink Peach Mango

Vio Vibrancy Drink Peach Mango
Hi, my name is Stephen Milakis and I'm the national champion for "Float Chugging." My record is that I was able to drink a dozen 20oz mugs of the root beer variety in just under 90 seconds. Sure it hurt, and I was on the verge of spewing everywhere, but I'm a champion and I play to win. The post contest belch is also extremely gratifying. Next month I am set to participate in the worldwide championship. I thought I had it in the bag. The kid from Mongolia was the only who actually seemed like a real contender. Yesterday I received a package and everything changed. At every float chugging contest I've been at in the states the beverage used has always been root beer based. There was one time things got a little crazy and sarsaparilla was used, but it's basically the same thing. In the package was an assorted sixer of the various flavors of the company Vio. Apparently they are sponsoring the event, and so their drinks are being used. The issue I have with this is that all of their drinks are prepackaged (no actual ice cream) and are all fruit flavored. I don't know which is more disturbing. First off, these didn't come cold. They are made with skim milk and cream, and the packaging says that it contains no preservatives. How does this stuff not spoil? When I cracked open the first bottle i expected it to be rancid and chunky. Surprisingly it was not. Secondly, I don't know if I'm going to be able to chug fruit flavors. I'm so used to root beer that I've become desensitized to it. This is going to be like starting all over again. Ugh.

I'm going to still give it my all. I'm an American and we don't know when to admit we've been defeated. I'll start by downing this sixer and see how long it takes. First to go will be the peach mango flavor. It doesn't smell rancid, but it sure does smell strange. It actually tastes pretty good. It's like someone dumped some juice into milk. Wouldn't that also make it spoil? There is so much going on in this can that should make it go bad. The more I drink the worse it gets. As tasty as this was at the beginning, by the end of this 8oz metallic bottle it's hard to get it down. Dairy in liquid form should not be carbonated. Screw this I'm not even going to bother getting on my flight to Norway. I'll feign illness or something. Anything is better than losing to a Mongolian.
Milk and Sparkling
Vio — Website — @viovibe
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/21/12, 12:43 PM
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Vio Vibrancy Drink Citrus Burst

Vio Vibrancy Drink Citrus Burst
Marty wasn't like the other kids. He just could not get down with creamsicles. It just reminded him of when he was but a toddler and he tried to make an ice cream float with orange juice instead of soda. Just thinking about how the mixture curdled makes him want to vom all over the place. Ever since then he has stayed clear of those treats in ice cream and soda form.

The strange thing is that little Marty loves this Vio drink. You might say "but Marty that is the exact same thing as a creamsicle except the orange is switched out for lemon lime." You would be correct, but what you're forgetting is that Marty didn't dump cream into a cup filled with straight lemon and lime juice. When he drinks this, he just thinks about it being 7Up or Sprite that had ice cream added to it, and then it melted. No curdling involved. He's a happy camper. I'm a happy camper. You're a happy camper. Did I mention that we're at summer camp, sitting around a campfire sipping on these little treats? Well maybe I'm not a happy camper. While I love the way these taste, they do get to be a bit much to drink a whole 8oz bottle.
Milk and Sparkling
Vio — Website — @viovibe
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/8/11, 11:51 AM
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Vio Vibrancy Drink Very Berry

Vio Vibrancy Drink Very Berry
Hey dude, I've got this great berry milk. Berry milk? What do you think it is? Yeah, it's like strawberry milk but berry. Did you really need to ask? Sometimes, Daren, I don't know. Give this a try. It's good right? I don't know why they didn't think of this earlier. What have you got there? Daren? Give it here. Seltzer water? That's it? What are you, an old lady? Who just drinks seltzer water? Are you in clown training school or something? Daren. Come on, you know that clowning is a saturated market and the placement has been going down. It's a dying trade. I know you're great at making balloon animals while riding on a tiny bike. What??!!!? Why did you do that? Awwww, Daren. You got seltzer in my berry milk and it's...fantastic. Can you give me another spritz please?

Daren, I take it all back. This is incredible. I've heard that there is a company called Vio that makes a drink that tastes exactly like this. Daren, you know what, buddy? I've got a friend whose dumb kid is having a bar mitzvah and they were looking for a clown. I am going to call Andrew Abromowitz and put in a good word. Practice up on your trade, your craft, and work on your face paint. You look like a sad clown and no one is going to hire a sad clown.
Milk and Sparkling
Vio — Website — @viovibe
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/26/11, 1:12 PM
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