Volt - 1 Review

Volt High Intensity Refreshment Energizing Fruit Punch Shock

Volt High Intensity Refreshment Energizing Fruit Punch Shock
The new Chevy Volt is as innovative as they come. The car does not run on gasoline, nor does it need electricity. Instead, Volt Soda powers it. I think this came about because they had warehouses of the stuff because no one was buying it. They needed to do something with it, so they teamed up with Chevy and built and engine that can run on it. Coming soon to a dealership near you.

In all seriousness I feel like this is an energy drink marketed towards children and that is a horrible idea. I feel like it's unhealthy for me as an adult to drink energy drinks, so for a kid...geez. I feel like all the time I see kids younger and younger downing them, and it really concerns me. So much extra stress on their little hearts.

This is basically carbonated fruit punch with all that energy garbage thrown in. It tastes like it should be a special flavor of Mountain Dew. I'm really just not into this. It tastes like a crappy soda that gives me the jitters. I say no thanks.
Energy Drink and Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 9/17/11, 9:10 PM
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