Wilson Farms - 1 Review

Wilson Farms Diet Cola

Wilson Farms Diet Cola
Wilson Farms is the local convenience store chain in the Buffalo area. They are so prevalent that it sometimes seems like they are on every corner. Like most corner stores, they have lots of things you could get at a grocery store but they charge more for the "convenience". The only exception to this is that they have their own line of soda.

At 99 cents a 2-liter, it's a much better deal than Coke or Pepsi. But like most things, you get what you pay for. It's a really bland diet cola with more of a aspartame taste than others. Some people might think it tastes "close enough" to Diet Coke, but I'll pass on this in favor of the top shelf stuff from now on.
Diet and Soda Pop
Wilson FarmsWebsite
United States
Derek Neuland on 10/5/11, 9:58 AM
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