Xyience - 10 Reviews

Xyience Xenergy + Hydratrion Tropical Punch

Xyience Xenergy + Hydratrion Tropical Punch
Every time this happens I am always shocked. You crack open an energy drink, take a big sip and are taken aback when it is not carbonated. Yes I know that the can says, “non carbonated” at the bottom, but I'm a shoot first, ask questions later kind of guy. I like to try my drinks with only a cursory glance at the packaging, so there are no preconceived notions about the experience.

This is a sugar free, zero calorie energy drink and for being that it's pretty good. The diet taste isn't very strong. It's a fruit punch that is slightly on the tropical side of the line, but it's also on the lighter side of most fruit punch. It's like Hawaiian Punch with some pineapple and other tropical fruits thrown into the mix, but not nearly as thick consistency wise. It's a nice change of pace from the regular energy drink crowd, something that I might look into again.
Energy Drink, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 6/7/13, 1:39 PM
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Xyience Xenergy + Hydratrion Grape

Xyience Xenergy + Hydratrion Grape
As far as energy drinks go, this is good. As far as drinks go, this isn't fantastic. I don't really taste actual grape and I get a whole gallon of hurt. This drink hurts to drink. It tastes like I was drinking juice with needles in it. It felt prickely. What makes drinks sharp like this? Is it the sweetener? Is it something else? It's almost the same sting as you get when you drink Lipton Brisk. Oh, old Hug drinks. Those suckers stung.

Flavor town was fine. It's generically fruity more than it is explicitly grape. It's not offensive like when people stare at you because you've got tattoos or piercings. It's just not...quite...grape. Yes, I will hold it against them because they said it tasted like grape and it doesn't. Don't lie to me, cage fighters. You can beat me up fair and square but you can't feed me this and tell me it's grape. You should also know that I took many years of Tae Kwon Do so you might get hit by my delicate fist once or twice before you give me a bitchin' roundhouse.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Energy Drink and Diet
United States
Mike Literman on 5/31/13, 3:14 PM
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Xyience Xenergy + Tea Honey Ginseng

Xyience Xenergy + Tea Honey Ginseng
Honey is a wonderful thing. Think of all those millions of bees out there working their little stingers off for their queen and as a result leaving this sweet delicious waste behind. That's right, honey is essentially bee poop, and we all love it.

Ginseng on it's own is rather gross. Have you ever had one of those Asian energy drinks that are basically ginseng root floating in water? They taste like the water that is strained through a potted plant, or so I would assume. Ginseng mixed into other drinks can be pretty alright though.

The thing is when honey and ginseng are mixed together; all I can think of are cough drops. No one wants to be reminded of the things they need to ingest when they are ill. It just causes waves of gross feeling to wash all over you.

As a result of all I have written above, I fully expected this to taste like a cough drop bathed in a sea of chemical energy drink grossness with a hint of diet poison. I am very grateful that the Xyientists would never let that come to pass. They busted out their Erlenmeyer flasks and their Bunsen burners and burned the midnight oil (whilst listening to “Diesel and Dust”) to create a downright tasty drink that they themselves could have utilized on that late night.

This is firstly a green tea. It has a bit of a honey edge to it, but you can't really taste the “dirt” ginseng flavor. It comes nowhere near cough drop flavor, which is a huge plus. The flavor of the sucralose blends in well with the energy drink flavor, and it ends up not tasting too much like either. It's also non-carbonated, which is a nice direction for energy drinks to move in. These new lines of tea and lemonade Xyience beverages that come out have all put a nice twist on a beverage style that is becoming increasingly stale and boring.
Diet, Energy Drink and Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 5/8/13, 1:35 PM
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Xyience Xenergy + Lemonade Raspberry

Xyience Xenergy + Lemonade Raspberry
Zero calories, zero sugar and very little diet flavor. How do they do it? Science, that's how. Or should I say Xyience? Non-carbonated energy drinks always throw me for a loop, but this one really works. It tastes like light lemonade, with just a touch of raspberry in it. If this were served to me on a hot summer day from a pitcher into a glass full of ice, I might think there was something a little weird about it, but I would never expect it to be an energy drink, and that is something that companies strive for, but rarely achieve. Leave it Xyience to come through.

Oh and by the way, it's April in Buffalo and I already have my second sunburn of the year. There is going to be an epic battle this summer.
Diet, Energy Drink and Lemonade
United States
Jason Draper on 4/27/13, 9:23 PM
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Xyience Xenergy + Tea Raspberry Acai

Xyience Xenergy + Tea Raspberry Acai
Total disclaimer is that I did not want to drink this. I have been scared away from energy drinks because the last few I've drunk have made me real weird: just general nausea and spinning and stuff. I don't know what's up with me. Perhaps I'm dying from all the stuff I've been drinking since I've been doing this site. I also have no interest in extreme fighting. I don't have anything against it, let it be known, but it's not a selling point for me. Just something to keep in mind while I write and you read this review.

This drink is non-carbonated. I appreciate it because most energy drinks are carbonated and this is different. Likewise, this doesn't taste like concentrated candy like most energy drinks do. This basically just tastes like a diet raspberry juice and tea. If you didn't know better, that is what you would think this is. It has sucralose in it, which keeps it not awful for you, but it does translate during the aftertaste and should be mentioned. The flavor isn't that bad. It's fruity and the acai doesn't have that awful taste that I normally get where it's a little bitter, almost like a blackcurrant.

If you're short on energy and have some sort of cage match coming up, I actually recommend this. If you have an elbow that is just itching to go into some dude's back but just don't have the "get up and go" to bring yourself to do it, this is good for you. If you hate Red Bull and want a boost, to a lesser extent, this is for you.
Diet, Energy Drink and Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 4/22/13, 1:45 PM
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Xyience Xenergy + Lemonade Pineapple

Xyience Xenergy + Lemonade Pineapple
You know what I like? Diet energy drinks that don't taste gross. See, we here at Thirsty Dudes consume a lot of empty calories everyday. Because of this, I have come to enjoy diet drinks because it means I don't consume more calories. The problem with this of course is the majority of diet drinks taste like someone mixed dirt and battery acid and made stew out of it. This is especially true for a lot of diet energy drinks.

I have been really tired this week, due to lack of sleep. It's starting to (finally) warm up here in Buffalo so drinking hot coffee in the morning isn't something I like to do. Because of this, I have been drinking more energy drinks than I'd like to. They do the job, but I'm trying to drink as little of them as possible.

All that being said, this drink is delicious! The lemonade is sweet and slightly tart, and the pineapple taste compliments it very well. It makes sense that UFC made this its official energy drink because it's a touchdown. Wait, UFC isn't football? Oh, fighting, hmmmm... It's a punch to the mouth? That doesn't sound too positive.
Diet, Energy Drink and Lemonade
United States
Derek Neuland on 4/19/13, 10:06 AM
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Xyience Xenergy Tangerine Twister

Xyience Xenergy Tangerine Twister
Are you a fan of creamsicle flavored drinks, but you're looking for something a bit different? Are you also looking for a diet drink to help work off some of the extra pounds you've been putting on in your older age? Do you need a little extra burst of energy to help you make it through a tired dreary day? If you answered yes to the above questions this drink may be for you. This tastes like someone made a diet orange cream soda, but instead of using normal orange soda they used the tangerine variety. Then they dumped a bit of taurine in it to give it that chemical energy drink flavored that many of us have grown to tolerate if not like. If there was a non-diet version of this I would be more prone to drink it again, but for those of you are have come to enjoy diet beverages this would more than likely be pretty tasty.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 9/23/12, 8:19 PM
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Xyience Xenergy Melon Mayhem

Xyience Xenergy Melon Mayhem
Some of you may know that about five months ago Derek moved to Portland. You may have heard that he did so in order to open up a button/zine store. You my friends have fallen victim to a farce. The real reason Neuls Vern moved to the northeast was to train for UFC. Seriously, I'm not spreading false rumors here. You should see the before and after photos, it's intense. Our mind manner drink reviewer is now a monster who could very easily rip off your head (It only takes 7 pounds of pressure to rip off someone's ear, so home boy must be using a lot of weight to do this).

I got these sent to my home the other day, but it really should have gone to Thirsty Dudes West (officially Neulando Calrissian's side of business). He would be crushing these cans in one gulp before getting into the ring and kicking the ever loving crap out of other zinesters come professional fighters. He is a baby and hates diet stuff, so I don't know if he would like it. Who am I kidding he probably wouldn't even taste it, drinking a full 16oz can in one gulp and all. If he were to taste it he would note that it resembles a melted down melon Jolly Rancher (Do those exist outside of watermelon, which this is not?) if instead of being made with sugar it was made with sucralose. It's a pretty intense flavor, that I don' t think I would have enjoyed at all if it weren't diet. Real sugar would have made it unbearably sweet. Neuliana Hatfield is watching his weight these days though in order to get into a lower weight class. He really could have used this badboy. Oh, by the way, his fighting name is The All Things Ordinary Backstabber. I know it's long and doesn't really roll off the tongue, but if you have seen him lately you wouldn't argue with him.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 8/15/12, 10:52 PM
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Xyience Xenergy Fruit Punch

Xyience Xenergy Fruit Punch

Are you looking for an energy drink that fits into your countries unique tastes? If so I've got what you're looking for right here. You see I have learned that people from Canada are obsessed with Tahitian Treat pop, and that they buy it buy the case when they can get their grubby maple syrup covered hands on it. I don't believe I know a single American who has ever expressed interest in Tahitian Treat, but I know Canadians who go gaga over it. If you're not familiar it is a fruit punch flavored soda that has a very specific taste. This energy drink also has that taste with the energy drink flavor mixed in.

I started off thinking this was okay. Then about halfway through the can it got almost sour, and by the time I was ¾ through I felt like my tongue was going numb. I think I might have liked it more because of those things. I am strange. I have accepted it. Now smuggle some of this over the border in your trunk full of soda.
Energy Drink and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 6/30/12, 7:28 PM
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Xyience Xenergy Frostberry Blast

Xyience Xenergy Frostberry Blast
The name of this flavor instantly made me think of Gatorade. It's like a word association in my head. You say “Frostberry Blast” and I think of “Frost Glacier Freeze.” The fact that there is blue in this packaging and the Gatorade is also blue helped as well. I'm glad I had that association because as far as I can remember they also taste similar. Well it tastes like Frost Glacier Freeze mixed with one of those random flavors of Mountain Dew (Voltage). It's blue raspberry flavored, but it's sweetened with sucralose, so it's not overly sweet. It actually doesn't taste overly diet either. I'm pretty into this. It's a nice change up from your normal energy drink flavors.

Xyience was ahead of the game due to their name as it is. As a man who now owns a lab coat, I assure you that anything to do with science I will look upon with favor. I mean they must have scientists working for them to come up with the idea to ship their drinks in the canisters banks use for their pneumatic tubes.

They are also the official energy drink of UFC. I hope that when they unveiled this it was at a match. Two of the fighters entered the ring in lab coats and goggles. They were each handed a can of Frostberry Blast, which they instantly chugged and then proceeded to just beat the hell out of each other while they were all hopped up. I just really want to see two people in scientist attire go toe to toe. It can be ultimate fighters or it could be the nerdiest, gangliest dudes that NASA has to offer. I'm fine with it either way.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 5/26/12, 6:32 PM
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