Yogu Time - 2 Reviews

Yogu Time Orange

Yogu Time Orange
I'm going to need seven and a half boxes of creamsicles. Could you be so kind as to open them all up and put them in that pot over there. I've got the burner on low, so we shouldn't have any problems. *Cut to five minutes later* Okay let me fish those popsicle sticks out of that sludge. Now time to add some more sugar and mix it up properly. Can you hold that funnel while I pour this into those bottles. Okay now let's put those all in the fridge and let them chill. First you cook. Then you chill.

That my friends is how Yogu Time makes this drink. It's creamy. It's orangey. It's unfortunately not as thick and yogurty as I want it to be. None of these drinks ever are. It would probably have the shelf life of a week or two if it was how I want it to be, but can't a man dream?
Yogu Time
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 2/9/11, 9:19 AM
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Yogu Time Melon

Yogu Time Melon
Did I think this was going to be gross? You bet'cha. Was it? Not entirely. I thought it was going to taste like the White Cow Dairy drinks I had a few months back. Lucky for me it didn't. It did taste like melon, but it didn't taste like a natural melon by any means. It tastes like if Bubblicious made a melon gum. The yogurt makes it smooth, but the immense amount of sugar sharpens it back up.

It starts out pretty good, punches you in the mouth, and then leaves you out to dry, which is actually a nice, calm, melon-y taste. These little bottles are only 10oz but it's way too much for me. I shared a good third of it with some one, let everyone have some and I've got about a third left and I don't know if I can/will/want to do it.

Even still, it's not terrible and I might be apt to buy another one. I know they have different flavors out there. I bet the strawberry would be awesome.
Yogu Time
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 1/10/11, 11:23 AM
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