Zenify - 1 Review

Zenify The Live Stress Free Drink Zen(2)

Zenify The Live Stress Free Drink Zen(2)
The past couple of days have been full of stress. While on vacation I apparently punctured my eardrum. The drops the doctor gave me didn't fix it so I need to see a specialist for possibly surgery. I then found out that I'm probably being dropped from my health insurance at the end of the month. On top of that little things keep adding up. I hit my head several times. When I went to order blank shirts for an order I need to get printed the website crashed and I wasn't able to get them for the time I needed them. Stress. Frustration. Life generally lacking fun.

I decided this drink is just what I needed today. If it's going to help take my mind off of things I'm all for it. It's sweet and bubbly. I can't pin point the exact flavor. It's like grapefruit that was watered down with lemon lime. I enjoy it. I will tell you that. So far it hasn't de-stressed me, but I'll give it some time. Apparently it is supposed to increase serotonin and dopamine levels to promote relaxation and concentration. If it doesn't work in an hour or two I'll probably just end up going to go to bed.
Relaxation and Sparkling
United States
Crystalline Fructose & Stevia
Jason Draper on 5/17/11, 1:11 AM
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