Zuberfizz - 7 Reviews

Zuberfizz Key Lime Cream Soda

Zuberfizz Key Lime Cream Soda
When you promise cream soda, you better deliver on some cream soda. Like root beer it is a special flavor, that when you want it, you're body seems to think it needs it to survive. You will feel weird and jittery until your need is satiated. Sadly this bottle of Zuberfizz will leave you with the shakes, as it doesn't taste like cream soda at all. It's a strange thing because the other two cream sodas we've had from this company were quite nice, but the base of this just tastes like generic sweetened soda water.

Do you want to talk about Key Lime? Well this soda has you covered there. It tastes like real key lime, without being overly, intensely sweet. If this were labeled a key lime soda with no mention of cream soda I would think that it was great, but man were my expectations not met. Like Sprecher, it also has that strange flavor that accompanies soda that has been fire brewed in a kettle. It's not unpleasant, but it something that takes a little acclimation.

Zuberfizz, you nailed it with the key lime, but you failed on the cream soda part of the exam. I think that means you have to go to summer school. Give Mark Harmon my love.
Soda Pop
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/28/14, 10:08 AM
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Zuberfizz CocoFizz Chocolate Soda

Zuberfizz CocoFizz Chocolate Soda
I've been sitting on this for a long time. I knew it was going to be at very least interesting so I wanted to get some other stuff out of the way first, hence the large gap between Zuberfizz reviews.

I don't know who the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory is, but they've (apparently) teamed up with the Zuberfizz crew in order to create this little treat.

I, for the life of me cannot place what the chocolate reminds me of. My friend said that it was like the chocolate you get from Kinder Surprise, a Canadian treat which is essentially a hollow chocolate ball with a toy in it. To the tongue, this is a great drink, but once it goes down your throat, it's a little strange. The fizz almost makes it seem like a spicy chocolate. Once it's down your throat you get a nice aftertaste of a real genuine chocolate taste that's quite pleasing. The smell is great, too.

I've got it! It tastes like chocolate PEZ. Don't know what they taste like? Find 'em and buy 'em and tell me I'm wrong. I dare you. Chocolate PEZ. My friend says it also smells like chocolate Tootsie Pops. Together I'd say we nailed it. Track this down. It's fun. Have fun with pop. Pop is fun.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/1/11, 4:20 PM
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Zuberfizz Creamy Root Beer

Zuberfizz Creamy Root Beer
Ah. What a lovely day out today. It seems like just yesterday I was wondering when I could stop wearing two coats and it seems as though today is the day. Today I ate two hot dogs (a summertime treat) and took a walk with my hoodie open. What a day. The sun wasn't out and I didn't have to squint. The bus was packed to the gills (even though a bus isn't a fish) with stupid teenage kids kissing each other for some reason, but I didn't care. I knew that at the end of it all, I was going to go home and get a cool bottle of root beer. I went through my pop, juice, "other", and found just what I was looking for. Just what was going to top it off? I felt like a dude who hates his job and just wants to come home and drink a low quality beer. But instead of hating his job, he's merely aggravated with it and instead of drinking a low quality beer; it's a medium to high quality root beer. Aside from those two minor details, it's basically the same thing.

This was good and it hit the spot. As advertised, it was creamy. Not too sharp and not too bold. This root beer is a safe bet with any root beer connoisseur. You can taste all of the flavors as intended and I actually thought that it got better as I got towards the bottom of the bottle.

That being said, I had to get ketchup across the street...and when I was gone, my girlfriend, soon to be ex-girlfriend, decided that she would finish my root beer. I got home disappointed to see that what I anticipated to be the best part of the root beer, much like the bottom is the best part of a sundae cone was gone. So it is.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/17/11, 3:54 PM
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Zuberfizz Orange Cream Soda

Zuberfizz Orange Cream Soda
What can be said about orange cream soda that we haven't said before? We all know it tastes like a carbonated melted creamsicle. But wait. What is this? This has actual orange juice in it. That is something new. It still has the insane amount of creaminess of the previously mentioned creamsicles, but the orange juice adds a new dimension. It's as if Orangina was mixed in with the creamiest off cream sodas. A pleasant surprise indeed.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/27/11, 4:58 PM
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Zuberfizz Grape Soda

Zuberfizz Grape Soda
Remember those dumb little comics in the newspaper that were a picture with the text "Color me happy when..." follow up by some random thought. They were comics for old people. Not interesting to the young at all, but they had their place. Today comic would be slightly different. It would read, "Color me surprised when my grape soda isn't an overly sweet syrupy mess." A light soda was the last thing I expected 1/1000 chance that it will still taste decent. Zuberfizz beat the odds.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/19/11, 7:01 PM
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Zuberfizz Vanilla Creme Soda

Zuberfizz Vanilla Creme Soda
When you have a long day, sometimes you just want to relax. Some choose beer. Some choose weed. Others (wisely) choose cream soda.

Advantages of cream soda over beer:

  1. Cream soda tastes better than beer

  2. Cream soda won't give you a hangover

  3. Zuberfizz Vanilla Cream Soda is light and delicious

Advantages of cream soda over weed:

  1. You don't have to drink cream soda through a dryer sheet in your dorm room

  2. You will actually want to eat a standard amount of pizza vs. unknowingly eat an entire pizza

  3. Drinking cream soda doesn't have a bad connotation with being dirty, owning large amounts of hemp attire, or having dreadlocks

This Zuberfizz cream soda is good. It's candy-esque, but for the first time, not too sweet candy. It's a very soft, vanilla flavor. Nothing too sharp like a lot of colas or juices can produce. It has a very clean vanilla taste and is something anyone can enjoy. It's not not sweet enough for kids, and not grossly sweet for attractive, older ladies whose husbands turned out to be lazy jerks and never washed the dishes one time even though he was unemployed for four months and seemingly never left the house while she bust her hump.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/16/11, 3:43 PM
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Zuberfizz Cola

Zuberfizz Cola
The design of this bottle is pretty darn rad. Simple, yet classy. This and my positive experience with the Key Lime Cream Soda left me with high hopes for the soda it contained. Unfortunately my hopes, dreams and aspirations were not met. This doesn't mean that it was a one-way train to Grossville, but it just wasn't in the upper echelon of colas. It's a quality soda, it's better than your average Pepsi or Coca Cola, but it just doesn't stand out very much. It doesn't have much of a bite to it. I'm assuming the label on the bottle that says "Soda with altitude" is due to the fact that it's caffeinated.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/4/11, 6:07 PM
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