Acai Roots Pure Premium Acai Juice

Acai Roots Pure Premium Acai Juice
I'm pretty sure there was a secret conference somewhere in the past year or two where it was voted that acai would be the new hip fruit. For a couple of years before that pomegranate ruled the school. It was obviously time for it to pass on the torch, and it seems that acai was voted into office. It's all over the place lately. Antioxidants are all the rage and acai is at the top of the charts.

Acai Roots decided to step up the game. Unlike most, if not all other companies, Acai Roots does not mix other fruit juices in with their acai juice. It's water, acai puree, and cane sugar. I can get behind that. If you were spotlighting a certain fruit, why would you want to muddy up the flavor with other ingredients?

It's a strong juice. It has that specific acidic taste that let's you know "This is a juice that is exceptionally good for me." It's not something the average person could drink a big 16oz glass of, but a nice smaller glass a day is not out of the question. The bottle also recommends putting the juice into a smoothie or a shake. Both of those sound pretty incredible.
Acai RootsWebsite@acairoots
United States
Evaporated Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/23/11, 7:17 PM
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