Adirondack Naturals Cola

Adirondack Naturals Cola
For years Adirondack has made normal every day sodas. They are a brand that you pass in the pop aisle of your local grocery store and don't give it a second glance. It blends in with the store brand and honestly just doesn't look very astounding. It's a decent soda and all, but nothing to get exited about.

The company has taken note of the current state of affairs with consumers walking away from HFCS in everything. They climbed to the top of one of the glorious mountains in their range and came to a decision to make a natural soda. They actually blew one of those huge horns in celebration and nearly caused an avalanche. I really wish that last part was true. That would mean that there was a mountain range a couple hours away from me that was that ridiculously high. Man I would hang out there all the time. Okay, that's another lie. I live 5 hours from the Adirondacks and I have never once gone hiking or camping there. It's criminal really.

Back to the soda. This tastes pretty much like any average cola, but it's not thick and syrupy. There's no special blend or anything. It's just your every day cola. You know what? Good for them. Most people love this sort of stuff, and it's giving them the taste they know and love in a healthier version. Doctors everywhere give you their thanks.
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/16/11, 5:32 PM
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