Americana Huckleberry

Americana Huckleberry
By naming their company Americana are they insinuation that that their products are artifacts of American history? Are these sodas a glimpse into our nation's past? If so, we've had one hell of a history of soda, because this is ridiculously delicious. Fruit sodas are a tough sell for me. They rarely turn out correctly and mostly taste like sugar water that is flavored nothing like fruit at all. This tastes distinctively like berries and I'm not talking about those of the straw-, rasp- or even blue- varieties. This is pure huckleberry, or so I'll assume as I don't think I've ever had the fruit in its natural form. It doesn't taste artificial at all, but rather like someone carbonated juice and added a bit of cane sugar. Sure it's fairly sweet, but some sodas call for that. If only America still tasted like this instead of like racism and hate I wouldn't feel so disgusting all the time. Okay I would still feel gross from consuming too much, but I wouldn't feel as bad.
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/22/16, 8:40 PM
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