Amp Boost Original

Amp Boost Original
Earlier today I was making fun of a friend for drinking Mountain Dew before noon. I'll give them that it was diet Mountain Dew, but it's still soda right after you woke up and it's gross Mountain Dew on top of that. Later in the day I was on my way to a party at a friends house and I grabbed this to drink/help me get through a long week.
It wasn't until after I had took a sip until I realized that this was just the original Amp repackaged. Oh payback, you've gotten me again.

It basically tastes like they took their original Mountain Dew recipe and added some chemicals to give it a little “boost.” If you are a teenager and love Mountain Dew, you'd probably go crazy over this stuff. If you're a grown ass man, like myself, you will have realized that regular Mountain Dew is pretty gross and I would pass this one over.
Energy Drink
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 8/12/12, 11:47 AM
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