Baumeister Cherry

Baumeister Cherry
Yes, it is January. Yes, it is cold and snowy. Yes, it is the time of year when people get sick. No, Voodoo Donuts no longer serves donuts that have cough syrup mixed in with the jelly. Yes, I think that is a great idea if not abused. Finally, no, I do not want my cherry soda to taste like cold medicine.

I often wonder if I would find such distaste in this version of cherry flavoring if it wasn't for medicine. Has it always been a gross flavor, or has it become tainted in our minds because we associate it with being sick. I guess it doesn't really matter because with every sip of this I feel like I should be swaddled in blankets blowing my nose.

There is a wide variety of flavors that have been called cherry in the world. Most cherry sodas gravitate towards one of those extremes. Baumeister tried to take things in a different direction and while I think that is great they took a wrong turn and ended up at Medicinal Blvd. We're looking for Fruit St here people. How hard is it to have a soda taste like the actual fruit it is named after?
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup and/or Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/3/16, 7:02 PM
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