Baumeister The Original Orange Soda

Baumeister The Original Orange Soda
I have a romantic interest in the state of Wisconsin. Not a person that resides in the state, but with the actual state itself. It's a different world up there, full of amazing people. Every time I've been there on tour it's been nothing but good times. Okay there was that one time when fake Nazis smashed some of our records and my friend pulled a knife on them, but other then that, bright blue skies. It all started when I was in high school and Kevyn and I played Madden football on Playstation. I was always the Packers, or the Pack, for no real reason. It was my go to team, and it instilled a pride in the state of WI for me. On the first tour that took me to this magical state the obscenity of everyone's fascination with Brett Favre was out of control. The news had a nightly segment where they just showed a random picture of him. Hysterical. The night we were there it was him on a riding lawn mower. That started jokes of tattoos of him on the lawnmower wearing a cheese head and holding a beer in one hand and a brat in the other. Now that's comedy. Wisconsin is also home to Woodman's Food Markets. It's the only grocery store I've ever been to that even comes close to the greatness that is Wegmans.

Now that you know my love of Wisconsin you why I picked up this bottle of soda. It's "A Wisconsin Tradition." I don't know what oranges have to do with the northern mid-west, but I'm not going to argue. It's not the world's greatest orange soda, as it doesn't exactly taste like an orange, but it does stand above your everyday Crush, Sunkist or Fanta. It's sweet and smooth. No harshness at all. It's as if someone removed the vanilla from a cream soda, but the smoothness remained. Wisconsin don't ever change. You are a gem.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup and/or Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/7/11, 3:07 PM
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