Begley's and Bill's All Natural Cream Soda

Begley's and Bill's All Natural Cream Soda
Ed Begley Jr's sense of self-satisfaction is a wonderful thing. He uses it to power his go-cart in order to not hurt Mother Earth. He also uses it to sweeten his sugar free sodas. He's a modest man though, so he told them to put on the label that it's actually sweetened with a blend of erythritol, stevia and natural flavors, but we know the truth here at Thirsty Dudes. I mean, we are professionals and I think we would be able to taste those sweeteners, but their flavor is missing from this drink, so it simply must be self-satisfaction that is sweetening this soda. There is a taste there, but it's something I'm unfamiliar with (apparently I've never experienced self-satisfaction) and it tastes much better than the sodas contemporaries.

You know what, this man deserves these special powers. Forget about all of the work he has done on behalf of the environment, just look at his acting work. He is a man who has made me laugh way more than most, with not nearly as much recognition as chumps who go for cheap jokes and become mega stars.

Now on top of making us laugh and trying to save the planet for people who are too stupid to care about it, he and his partner Bill have created a line of sugar free sodas that are only 8 calories and don't taste anything like diet trash. I'm pretty sure you could pass this cream soda off as a normal pop and 99.9% of the people who drank it would have no idea that it was diet. That, my friends, is true magic in the beverage world. It's nice and smooth, like a cream soda should be. The flavor isn't striving for anything new and crazy. It simply wants to be a normal cream soda that is healthier for you than the junk most people throw into their food holes daily. Begley, Bill, you have succeeded. This is wonderful, and I think if it got into the hands of more people we would have an epidemic. Then again people have crazy loyalty to their soda of choice for some dumb reason, even when much better products are available to them.
Diet and Soda Pop
Begley's and Bill'sWebsite@NoSugarSoda
United States
Jason Draper on 3/14/14, 10:44 AM
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