Big Ben's Lime

Big Ben's Lime
Remember when you were 9 and you used to play hockey in the driveway with all your friends? Man, that was awesome. You know what was better? When your friend's mom brought out freezie-pops and you took a break and ate a couple of them. Everyone wanted red and pink, some people wanted purple and orange, some were indifferent to blue and no one wanted green. Why? It was because they used to make you cough. Why? I don't know. Additives? I don't know.

This tastes like it, without the coughing, but with the feeling of "I guess if this is the only one left I'll have it." It smells like cleaning solution and tastes like some sort of dental numbing medicine as if the dentist would give this to you to numb your mouth when you were getting your teeth pulled out or cavities from drinking too much pop. See you soon, Doc.
Soda Pop
Big Ben'sWebsite
United States
Sugar And/Or High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 1/4/11, 12:26 PM
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