Bruce Cost Fresh Ginger Ale Ginger Ale

Bruce Cost Fresh Ginger Ale Ginger Ale
If your grandma wasn't too busy playing nickel slots at the local casino, she would be home making this ginger ale. Bruce Cost knows how to make a high quality drink, complete with chunks of ginger that hit you just right. Reason I'm bringing your grandma into it is because of two reasons:
1. She has a serious gambling problem.
2. She cooks and bakes from the heart using "real" ingredients.

There are four ingredients in this drink, which proves that simplicity often wins the race. Tortoises win races and simplicity wins races. Every time you want to take a sip, you have to swish it around a little to get the ginger sediment a-moving. That makes this a bit of an interactive drink, which makes it fun. If you didn't care about swishing, you would be greeted with probably a pretty average, slightly bitey ginger all but then at the end you would be drinking the powdered equivalent of half a ginger root. If you're into that type of thing, you will love it, but it's not the way that your grandma, who has graduated to the quarter slots since I've started this review, or Bruce Cost intended.
Ginger and Soda Pop
Bruce CostWebsite@FreshGingerAle
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 9/15/11, 2:21 PM
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