Buchulife Sparkling Herbal Water Cranberry

Buchulife Sparkling Herbal Water Cranberry
Part of being a Thirsty Dude is having a beard. It's a light pre-requisite and since we're currently not looking to fill any slots, you can stop filling out that resume. Thirsty Dudes aside, I would still have a beard unless I want to look ten years younger. Since I don't care as much as I probably should about my physical appearance, I have a beard. I grow it out and shave it down and grow it out and shave it down. When it is long, you have to take care of it or you look like a regular old scumbag. I have a medicine cabinet filled with oils, pomades, and waxes to help my hairy buddy look his best.

Now why did I just spend the last couple minutes talking about beards? It's simple, actually. It is because this drink tastes a little bit like a tea tree oil that I use in m' beard. It's very peculiar. It's got a little bit of a mintiness that tastes like when you were a kid and thought that Huck Finn looked cool while he had that wheat in his mouth so you put it in your mouth and it tasted like fresh cut, minty grass. Yes, there is cranberry in there but you are distracted by the other stuff that is going on in there.

I am not well read. I will admit it. I feel like I can grow a wonderful beard. Whether or not I look good with it is a totally different issue that we will undoubtedly handle in another, if not many other reviews. I urge you to try this because it's so strange, so very strange.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 7/20/13, 10:53 PM
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