Calypso Lemonade Black Cherry

Calypso Lemonade Black Cherry
With all the drinks in the world, it's hard to keep up sometimes. That's why it's nice when people suggest drinks for us to try. It's even better when they buy them for us. My friend Jenna was appalled that we hadn't reviewed her favorite flavor of Calypso so she bought me this bottle of Black Cherry Lemonade. She was talking it up a lot, and I was afraid of it not living up to the hype and thus ending our friendship when I gave it a bad review. I was kinda afraid to open the bottle because of how much was riding on its contents.

Luckily, it is as good as she made it out to be. The black cherry has such a strong and juicy taste to it. And then the perfectly tart lemonade kicks in and completes the drink. It's a little heavier (or maybe rich is the word I'm looking for) than most lemonade due to the great black cherry flavor, but it works and I like it a lot.
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 6/11/11, 5:47 PM
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