Capri Sun Maui Cooler

Capri Sun Maui Cooler
My dad won a cruise and he gave it to my ladyfriend and I. I'm guessing there is some catch with this thing, but so far all I've found is that you have to pay the tax, which is about $150 per person. Also, we have to find our way to a port, which not shockingly is going to be the most expensive part. Here I sit looking into it, daydreaming about tropical locations and I decided to pretend I was a kid and drink a Capri Sun. They market these big boys as being for adults, but we all know they are for kids. I'm sitting here sucking on a chilidog, err I mean a Maui Cooler. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a tropical fruit punch, but the main fruits in it are apple, grape and orange (I guess you could consider that tropical if you really wanted to). The only other juice in it is pineapple, which I would expect in a Maui Cooler, but it's not very present in the flavor. It tastes like a juice box, because that is what it is. It just tastes like a higher quality generic fruit juice. No flavors really stick out. I'm okay with it. It's not my favorite, but I'm sure kids would be stoked to get these in their lunch boxes.

Now, to cruise, or not to cruise?
Capri SunWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 8/2/12, 5:48 PM
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