Cascal Fermented Soda Apple & Anise

Cascal Fermented Soda Apple & Anise
Anything fermented, for me, gets me a little standoffish. I have to read labels a lot to see if there alcohol in things because I won't touch it if it does. Non-alcoholic mouthwash, white wine vinegar, and vodka sauces are all off limits. We don't review types of kombucha because it's fermented to the point of containing alcohol.

I am not "afraid" of alcohol, I just don't need it in my life and if I have to do a little reading to ensure that I'm not getting any, I'll do it. You read for things like calories and fat, why can't I read for ingredients? You're right, I can. Thank you for your permission.

This stated that it contained no alcohol and I know that Jay wouldn't buy me something with alcohol in it, much like I wouldn't buy him something with beef tallow or gelatin, regardless of how much I try and convince him that I don't think that it's made from hooves anymore. We're more civilized than that...cutting of hooves and using them for jellybeans. It's just barbaric. There's synthetic everything else, why not this. Whatever. Different discussion.

CasCal makes this drink and it is dry and it is for adults. It tastes fermented and although I don't know who is into this thing, but it's there and it's nicely bottled which means that it's in demand. I was really excited when Jay gave this to me because I thought it was going to be some sort of carbonated, licorice infused apple juice. Instead, it tastes like old apple cider. I don't get any anise. Is it my untrained tongue? Possibly, but I know what anise tastes like and I didn't get any out of this. As the temperature increased to room temperature, I liked it more. It wasn't so...cold beer.

I wouldn't write CasCal off entirely as I'm sure they have other flavors that sound good and probably taste totally different. This one was simply not for me.
Soda Pop
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/15/11, 2:07 PM
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