Cherry Republic Boom Chugga Lugga Low Cal Black Cherry Cream Soda

Cherry Republic Boom Chugga Lugga Low Cal Black Cherry Cream Soda
For the vision of a low calorie drink Cherry Republic has chosen to put a drawing of an orchard of cherry trees picked bear. I really don't get it. The regular version of it has a bear reaching for a tree branch in full bloom. I think they may be hinting that drinking diet soda that has artificial sweeteners is similar to the dead cold winter.

I am not a fan of saccharine or aspartame at all, but I have to hand it to Cherry Republic, you can sure taste a quality soda underneath that fake sweetness. There is a delicious cherry cream soda that is being suppressed by an army of little grains of gross sweetener. You can actually taste the real cherry juice in here, which is something that doesn't normally happen (if ever) with a diet soda. I can only imagine that if you were used to drinking diet pop that this would be a holy grail of sorts.

On a side note, these come in reusable bottles. Not just recyclable, but reusable. If you return it to its point of origin they will wash it out and refill it for future use. Now that is something I can totally get behind.
Diet and Soda Pop
Cherry RepublicWebsite@cherryrepublic
United States
Sodium Saccharine
Jason Draper on 12/19/11, 7:02 PM
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