Day's Cream Soda

Day's Cream Soda
Like sands through the hourglass, these are the Day's soda lines. Here we have the pride of Pennsylvania since 1946. That's 19 years previous to the release of Days of our Lives. It's rumored around the hills of Eastern PA that the show was created for a medium to run ads for the soda. Those people also think that a 14.4 dial up modem is modern technology, so I wouldn't put much stake to their claim.

Day's soda runs on the higher side of average sodas. They are similar to store brands, but they have a little extra something to them that make them a smidge better. For example, this bottle of cream soda is a bit smoother, and creamier than “generic” versions. It's obscenely sweet (90g of sugar in this bottle), but it's still very enjoyable. This is a soda that would be amazing in an ice cream float. Oh man, I wish I would have thought of that earlier when I had enough left in this bottle to make it a reality.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 8/13/13, 1:07 PM
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