Dry Blood Orange

Dry Blood Orange
Guys, I'm terrified. Some day soon I will awake to find that my hair has turned bone white, my bran intake will have skyrocketed and a cane will have become my best friend. It is the only future I can currently imagine. I'm obviously turning into an old man. The proof is in my ever-increasing love of unsweetened teas and dry sodas.

Who needs all of that sugar and a lingering syrupy sweetness? I certainly don't, especially after the obscene amount of it I've consumed over the last week and a half. None of it is contained in this bottle. It's not the driest I've ever had, but it's on its way there, to the extent that an aftertaste is nonexistent. The blood orange flavor has a great presence. I think it got it's name because it slayed all other oranges in a Thunderdome type scenario.

It's a great sipping soda that you don't have to feel terrible about yourself for drinking. I will happily drink it and wait for the day my senior discounts kick in. It will only go downhill when I break a hip and need to start wearing diapers. Will you take care of me then?
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/18/11, 12:29 PM
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