Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Pistachio

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Pistachio
My brother is getting married. I am in Arizona and it is hot. Some might call it "a dry heat" but no matter which way you cut it, 87 degrees is hot. My poor, frail, pale Buffalo skin hasn't seen the sun since September so coming off a six month winter as we do most years, I am worried that I am going to burn to a beyond-aloe status.

What do I do when on "vacation?" Well besides eat huevos rancheros, I (apparently) go to Dunkin' Donuts and get new iced coffees because that's what I did tonight. Pistachio, that's what I chose as (I don't think) we have it in Buffalo. How was it? Well it was very light and worried me. It just looked like straight cream and I didn't have any idea what it was going to taste like. It ended up being pretty good, though. It tasted like pistachios, which is saying a lot since I would wager a guess that no actual pistachios have ever touched this mix. It tastes like pistachio ice cream, which I love and wish I had right now. If you're into that, add the essence of coffee and you might have a recipe for success.

Phoenix? We don't know who is going to win this battle but if I were a betting man, I would say that the odds are in your favor. At least I got to cool down for the ten minutes the Dunkin' Donuts was open before they closed at six which I find a little bit early but what do I know? Nothing. I don't live here and I don't know these people. I know nothing.
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Mike Literman on 4/14/16, 10:38 PM
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