Elliott's Amazing All Natural Apple Cherry Berry

Elliott's Amazing All Natural Apple Cherry Berry
Everywhere Elliott went everyone constantly told him how amazing he was. It was as if he could do no wrong in the eyes of his peers. Things weren't always this way, it all stemmed back to a couple of years ago when he went to Coney Island, before they tore it down, and made a wish on the Zoltar fortune telling machine. Why he was asked to make a wish by a machine that was supposed to tell him is fortune is something that never quite sat right with Elliott, but who was he to argue with the results? Since then everything has been coming up Milhouse…€¦.err I mean Elliott.

Elliott had always loved juice, and when he could afford it he would make his own with fresh produce from the grocer. At a family party he served some of his newest concoction (apple, cherry and strawberry juice) to his sisters husband, who just happened to be a very rich and powerful man. Do you know what he said? He exclaimed, “Elliott like you this juice is amazing! The flavors are so smooth, yet present! The cherry/strawberry combo makes it taste like you mixed the flavoring from a Fruit Roll-Up with good quality apple juice!” He then whipped out his checkbook and wrote Elliott a blank check to start a company to mass-produce the juice, along with other flavors.

It's now been a year since that party and things have been going great. Elliot's juice line has expanded and everyone says it's amazing, so much so that he decided to name the company “Elliott's Amazing.” The only fear that Elliott has is that the FDA is going to tighten up their restrictions and come down on him for saying his juice is “all natural” when it is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. It's only a small worry though, as he's sure that if he gives them a bottle they will look at him and shout, “Elliott, you're amazing!” and then give him a pass.
Elliott's AmazingWebsite@Juicemaven
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 4/25/12, 9:16 PM
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