Empire Bottling Works Banana

Empire Bottling Works Banana
You have no idea how much I wish I liked bananas. They are cheap, healthy and portable. Unfortunately they also taste absolutely disgusting to me. We're talking top 5 grossest foods to my mouth. The thing is that here at Thirsty Dudes we have an obligation to our readers (or accidental perusers if you will) to drink and review any and all non-alcoholic beverages that cross our paths. I don't remember exactly where I found this drink, because it's been sitting on my shelf for a few months, but I can assure you that it caused an audible “ugh' when I saw it.

Lucky for me I had some friends over last night and one of them loves bananas. I offered him this soda and he happily accepted. I took two quick sips to confirm that this tasted exactly like it did in my head and I was satisfied with my presumptions. This, my readers, tastes like a sweet soda water that has had banana Runts melted into it. Of course it does not resemble anything close to the actual fruit. It's sweet. It's strong. It's liquid candy. I want nothing to do with it, but others seemed to enjoy it. A middle of the road three bottles it is.
Soda Pop
Empire Bottling Works
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/18/13, 10:13 AM
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