Everfresh Premier Varietals Honey Crisp

Everfresh Premier Varietals Honey Crisp
Our dear Michael hates reviewing apple juice. Don't get me wrong, he likes the actual juice, but he hates writing about them because he claims that they all taste so similar that it's impossible to write anything new and interesting about them. Normally I would agree with him, but with their Premier line Everfresh has taken the game to a new level. Normally apple juice is just a hodgepodge of random apples, that when mixed together nearly always tastes the same. When I was a kid I thought there were red, green and yellow apples, that's it just three flavors. As I grew older I learned that each color has it's different versions with their individual attributes. Everfresh uses only one those varieties for each flavor they make. Only Honey Crisp apples were used to make this juice, and it has a very distinctive taste that other apple juices lack. Being that Honey Crisps are my red apple of juice this drink tastes great to me.

I propose that Mike goes to the grocery store and try a handful of different apples and then revisit this juice line, so he can taste the rainbow.…€¦you know without Skittles being involved.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/27/13, 12:07 PM
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