Evolution Fresh Defense Up

Evolution Fresh Defense Up
Aright folks, we're getting killed out there. This match is halfway over and we're down by a good amount, like a really decent amount. Like I'm almost ashamed to be leading you rag tag bunch of so and sos. Haven't you ever seen a movie? The miscreant underdogs are always supposed to win the big game so everyone can cheer and learn a valuable life lesson. The only reason I agreed to come on as couch was so I would have that moment. We'd come back for the win and everything would be moving in slow motion. Little Edwin with the limp, thick glasses and terrible fashion sense would be the one who scored the point and everyone would lift him up. Seriously though Edwin, did you steal those clothes from a 200 year old corpse? This was supposed to be a cathartic moment for all of us, and it looks like it's just not going to happen unless you change your ways.

I'm not going to lie kids, during most of that last period I wasn't even here. You were doing so terrible that I went to Starbucks to get some coffee. While I was there I saw that they have changed their brand of juice they carry. This one jumped out at me. Literally someone bumped into the display and it came flying right out at my face. Lucky for me I have such good reflexes. As this bottle of juice was flying at my face all I could see was “DEFENSE UP,” and I knew what I had to do. I dropped way more money than any of you are worth and I bought you each a bottle. Drink it up and we'll use the magical powers within to win this game. I'll be fair and tell you that our offense has been doing fairly decent, but our defense is lousing it up every chance they get. This mixture of oranges, pineapples, mangos, apples and acerola cherries will make sure that does not continue. I had one in the car on the way back to the game and I have to say it tastes like someone took some of the best orange juice this world has ever seen and upped it a notch. The orange is the main flavor by far, but the other fruits mix together to create a taste that complements it perfectly. It's so darn smooth I can't even handle it. It's juice the way it's supposed to be cold pressed with no sugar added. There's even some pulp in there, which makes it even better. It truly is the evolution of juice and it will evolve your playing as well. So, let's go out there and kick some butt, so we can all have our cinematic moment!


Okay you guys, that was terrible. You did even worse than you did in the first half. Of course the magic powers didn't work Edwin, there are no magic powers, this is just some amazing juice, nothing more. I just thought that my little pep talk would give you the confidence you needed to win and at the end I would tell you it was in you all along and the juice had no special powers. I need to stop trying to live in movie land.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 2/18/14, 4:59 PM
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