Gatorade Perform 02 A.M. Tropical Mango

Gatorade Perform 02 A.M. Tropical Mango
Who knows what one does in their sleep? Perhaps you are a werewolf and without even knowing you transform into a wild beast and cause havoc throughout your town. Maybe you sleep-mallwalk with a bunch of geriatrics that wake up at 3am. Some people have night terrors of game show blunders past that cause them to be restless. Or perhaps it's simply the time when you think you are a Viking. If any of those things are true of you, then you certainly wake up with a loss of fluids and a lack of electrolytes in your system.

The only rational solution to these problems is to grab an oversized bottle of sugary beverage and down it as soon as you wake up. I mean staying healthy is a must and you'll be damned if nighttime you is going to ruin the rest of your day. So chug my friend, chug!

Guess what this tastes like? That's right it has the same sodium base as every other flavor of Gatorade. Not a bad thing at all. I like when drinks have a specific taste through out their entire product line so that you can spot them in blind taste tests. It's a taste America has known and love for decades. This version they went a little tropical with the taste. There may not be any mango listed on the ingredients, but it tastes enough like the fruit that you don't feel cheated. It is way sweeter than anything I would typically want to drink in the morning, but I'm not an athlete, a werewolf or have grandeurs of sailing the seven seas plundering villages. I'm just a Thirsty Dude, who thinks this tastes just fine, but I wouldn't drink it in the morning…€¦.okay it's 9am right now, but I drank 90% of this yesterday. I'm just finishing it off to get a taste for the review.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 5/24/13, 9:47 AM
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