Granny Squibb's Raspberry Tea

Granny Squibb's Raspberry Tea
I don't mean to bum everyone out, but I currently have no grandmothers, as mine have both passed on. It happened a long time ago and I have moved on and learned to live in a grandmotherless world. Now that I've tasted my fourth bottle of this brand of tea I realize I was wrong and this is a plea for Granny Squibb to adopt me as her own so that I can get my fill of her tea any time I so wish. You see it's not available in Buffalo, and waiting for her new flavors to come out so that we can get samples is simply not acceptable.

This tastes like a nice black tea that one of my past grandmothers might have brewed up, except they never would have iced it. It was hot tea or nothing with them. This is chilled and sweetened. If it were just black tea I would have loved it, but the addition of raspberry made it perfect. This may in fact be the best raspberry iced tea I have ever tasted. When a tea actually tastes like it was sweetened with real fruit, you know the company has done well.

So what do you think Madam Squibb, will you be my new grandmamma?
Iced Tea
Granny Squibb'sWebsite@grannysquibb
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/30/12, 9:41 PM
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