Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Black Currant Tea

Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Black Currant Tea
Granny knows best and she thinks it's about darn time you stopped eating so much sugar. She knows you sneak out to the kitchen in the middle of the night and eat spoonfuls of sugar out of the jar. She can tell by the way you're getting paunchy, well that and the sugar you leave everywhere including encrusted onto the spoons you just put back in the drawer. Seriously, that's how you get ants. As of now she's put locks on the cupboards so you can't get to her sweet, sweet sugar, and she's going to start feeding you unsweetened iced tea. Sure at first you might think unsweetened tea is bitter and not for you who loves granulated sugar a mouthful at a time, but after a few classes you will warm up to it, and get used to your unsweetened life. Have we mentioned how you look paunchy and unhealthy?

Don't worry kiddo; she's not just going to put a glass of straight black tea with ice cubes in it in front of you. She knows you love your flavor, so she mixed in some black currant juice with the tea. It's a tart fruit mixed in with a bitter tea, but they do commingle nicely. Granny knew you would still complain a bit about it, so she also put in a squirt of lime juice to spice it up, and spice it up she did. At first sip the lime stands out more than anything, but as your palate gets used to it all of the flavors settle together into a nice sugar free family. Don't you want to get to know this family and lose your paunch? You don't? Well it's too bad because it's what granny wants you to do and she makes the rules! Also, it's a delicious drink. Seriously, just get used to unsweetened tea. You're body will thank you later.
Iced Tea
Granny Squibb'sWebsite@grannysquibb
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/30/12, 7:31 PM
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